I use Edimax N150 wifi nano USB adapter on g3 and g4 iBooks (and everything else). I’ve got software that works with Tiger and Leopard, just can’t remember if it came with the dongle. Current $14aud on eBay.
There was also a cheaper one that I remember - was it Edup? But that one depended on the particular chipset.
I can also vote for an Edimax mini USB adapter. Having several in use for iBook-G3, iMacG3/G4 and CubeG4.
They do support Tiger and Leopard on PPC. USB-speed is the bottleneck, but the 2005 iBook does provide USB2.
The Edimax-software runs without problems on my side - once set, Wifi is established automacally. I've switched off Airport completely on those devices, where the Edimax is my wireless solution.
For everything pre-Tiger something like the mentioned 'Vonet' WLAN-to-Ethernet-brigde is the best and only "wireless" solution.
But what kind of iBook do you have? I couldn't find an '05 iBook with 1,5GHz - is it a built-to-order version with a faster processor or an aluminium PowerBook?
There's a huge difference between the earlier and the latest and fastest white polycarbonate iBook G4 models (both the 12" and 14" ones)
With the earlier models you'll have easy access to the inbuild Airport-card, which is located beneath the keyboard (
https://de.ifixit.com/Anleitung/iBo...+AirPort+Extreme+Card+Replacement/176?lang=en), with the 14" 1.42GHz and the 12" 1.33GHz iBook G4 you'll really have to go into 'details' (
The PowerBook G4 Models offer an easy access via battery-door (12", early 1.5MHz 15") or make it necessary to fully remove of the keyboard-assembly (later 15" PB), which is by for not as demanding as opening the white carbonate iBooks.
If it's just a matter of a defective Airport card and the option of an easy access, I'd go for a replacement of the Airport-Card, which, on the other hand might be more expensive than the Edimax but doesn't block and (but only a little) stick out of a USB-port.
@pmac0973 Thank you for telling about that Vonets-bridge and the use of genyoutube on old hardware - great inspiration!