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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Mar 27, 2017
London, UK
Given the amount of miracles and miracle workers who populate this forum, I thought that it's worth asking, just in case a miracle can be performed. :)

Firmware hacks surfaced that enabled many PPC Macs to use resolutions in Mirror Mode that had been deliberately restricted by Apple, so as to protect the sales of their (even) more expensive models. Unfortunately the iBook G3/500 Dual USB was never included in these firmware hacks and the max resolution via its VGA output is stuck at 1024 x 768.

Would it be possible for this limitation to be overcome so that the iBook could display a higher resolution with an external monitor or is the GPU just not up to such a task?

"Mirror Mode" means the same res showing the same picture as the build in display.

What you are searching for in "extended desktop" which is restricted in OF for everything PPC with an "i".

This restriction is just an variable checked by OSX and AFAIK no other OS gives a f### about it, so you should be able to get a (bigger) 2nd screen when running Linux. If not it's most likely an actual HW restriction.
So, I'd say the iBook's GPU is also up to it.

The GPU is for sure up to it, but thats not all that is needed. It might very well be that the VGA out is just a 2nd endpoint for "output1" while "output2" ends nowhere.

The fact that the description in the given link is very specific suggest that these machines might miss a bit more than fixing a sabotaging OF-variable to drive a 2nd (independent) screen.
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"Mirror Mode" means the same res showing the same picture as the build in display.

What you are searching for in "extended desktop" which is restricted in OF for everything PPC with an "i".

This restriction is just an variable checked by OSX and AFAIK no other OS gives a f### about it, so you should be able to get a (bigger) 2nd screen when running Linux. If not it's most likely an actual HW restriction.

Thanks for the correction. :)

The Pismo and original TiBook also have an 8 MB Rage Mobility 128 and I have gotten 1920×1200 (at 256 colours) from a Pismo's VGA output while simultaneously running its internal LCD at 1024×768. So, I'd say the iBook's GPU is also up to it.

This is encouraging and it means that the easiest way to check is with a Live CD that will boot on the iBook G3 and doesn't require lots of memory. Any recommendations?
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