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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 15, 2014
Chartres, France

So I’ve just got my MacBook, running Monterey and I have a pretty big problem.

iCloud Drive keep filling my drive.

I have about 700Gb used on my iCloud Drive, but I have a 512GB SSD, so obviously I don’t want to keep everything on my Mac.
I’ve already unchecked the « Desktop and Documents Folder » on the iCloud tab.
I’ve also already checked the « Optimize Mac storage » option, but that doesn’t seem to do anything.

iCloud keep downloading enormous quantity of files:


The worse thing is that clicking on the cross doesn’t do anything.
It keep filling up my drive:


I’ve already tried to delete everything in ~/Library/Caches/, it freed up space on the disk (showing as « System Data »):
Capture d’écran 2024-02-06 à 17.18.10.png

But even tho I’ve deleted these files, iCloud keep downloading them back after a reboot.
Considering I can’t manually select « Remove the download » on every files (since have 700GB), I’ve found the following command on the terminal that is supposed to apply « Remove the download » on every files.

cd /Users/USERNAME/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs

find . -type f -exec brctl evict {} \;

But the thing is that after a reboot, it download everything again.
Do you have any idea how I could fix this ?

But it’s kinda odd because I don’t have this problem on my iMac 2013 running Ventura (with OCLP), but I had this exact problem on my iMac when it ran Monterey
I’d like to stay on Monterey, because it runs much better than Ventura or Sonoma with OCLP.

Thanks a lot.
Hey @Antares23 - did you manage to resolve this?

Mine is doing the same thing, which is making it impossible for me to transfer new files to my Mac for upload to iCloud
Hey @Antares23 - did you manage to resolve this?

Mine is doing the same thing, which is making it impossible for me to transfer new files to my Mac for upload to iCloud
Nope. I just disabled iCloud Drive and use a web app to download files when I need it, I upload files on my iMac where iCloud Drive is working properly
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