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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 21, 2009
Lviv, Ukraine
See I dont understand the people that design this thing... why do they force you to deal with a huge folder with ALL your photos including ones you created on your mac in albums. thats all thrown in there and you lose camera roll. Why cant i have a stream of most recent photos taken on the camera separate from everything else?

Is that how it is supposed to work? or am I missing something?


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
I'm probably not following so excuse me for asking the obvious.

Are you asking why are ALL of your photos listed under the album "All Photos"?


macrumors newbie
Jan 9, 2016
Tacoma, WA
I kind of agree...from what I understand All Photos is the same thing as what they call Camera Roll. How come pictures I save from Safari are also in my "Camera Roll"? It should separate out or have its own album maybe called Camera lol. Agree, weird design.
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