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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 9, 2013
Hi Guys
Bought a 4 bay ICY Box IB -141CL-U3 (which is powered)

Was running 4 WD external HDD, plugged into the iMac (late 2012 27" 32GB - 750GB SSD)
Decided to shuck the WD drives, have only shucked 2 to see how things ran

I ran TM on one, then swapped out and ran TM again, (my usual process)
TM for both events took forever, Like all day whereas before, with the WD just plugged in to the USB port used to fly along in no time?

Is it just TM not good on external dock? or is it something else ?

FWIW, I have 35,000 images on the other 2 drives, one master and the other cloned though CCC
Not game to shuck them just yet
It’s only USB3.0 although for HDD speeds I’m guessing that doesn’t matter and probably old original drives were USB3.0 anyway? We’re you planning to permanently house the disks that - I don’t think those things are designed for that use case as they leave the electronics on 3.5 drives exposed for example, and no active cooling. than that I don’t know, maybe the controller in it isn’t very fast or optimised for cloning not transfers. Run some benchmarks to test both.
Thank you Wardie
I'm certainly no geek here, I'm going to buy a WD RED HDD next month and see if that is an improvement
If I eventually get this sorted, may go the cooled option if funds improve, although, the drives dont get driven that hard, pretty much image storage
Run something like Blackmagic disk speed test on both and see what the difference it.
Says that the TM 3 TB drive is read only

you need to create a folder on the top level f the drive first (which normally needs admin permissions). Then select that folder. It should work then.
Hi Wardie
Sorry for the delayed reply
Got a folder on the drive and this was the speed

Forgot to ask,
Been reading about a 3.7v pin problem, could this be a factor?

Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 9.49.46 am.png
Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 6.18.04 PM.png

Your speeds seem reasonable...This is my 4@4TB RAID 10 through CAT5 running to a '12 Mac Pro...I'd take yours over mine any day since you're on two drives
Still a snails pace so I guess it maybe the dock
These HDD's are a few years old now, worked perfect before they were shucked?
I have been reading about a 3.7V pin that can be a problem when shucked ? turns power off because it was used for the controller?
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