I was given an old Mac pro as a gift but it wont turn on, i need to identify the model. I cant really determine the year or identifier(e.g. mac pro10,1) without turning it on, which is the main problem. I got this photo from the back. What i'm trying to do is buy a new harddrive, upgrade the ram. I know the ram and HDD don't require me to know the model as i could pull out the actual hardware but I'm trying to determine whats OS i could run based on the year. From what I've read, 10.7 is the newest version.
Thanks for your help.
I was given an old Mac pro as a gift but it wont turn on, i need to identify the model. I cant really determine the year or identifier(e.g. mac pro10,1) without turning it on, which is the main problem. I got this photo from the back. What i'm trying to do is buy a new harddrive, upgrade the ram. I know the ram and HDD don't require me to know the model as i could pull out the actual hardware but I'm trying to determine whats OS i could run based on the year. From what I've read, 10.7 is the newest version.
Thanks for your help.