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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 23, 2002
If the iMac Pro is only 27" whats the point?
What about Us pros that want a larger screen?
Why oh why can 't they make a "PRO" 32 screen?
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If you're a true professional user, most often you'll be considering the resolution, color reproduction of the display, and prioritizing those aspects over the physical size. Apple has done a good job in those two areas with the 5K display in the iMacs, and offers by far the best display in any all-in-one desktop on the market today.

But of course, some workflows require an external monitor - and if you're already spending $5K+ on a new iMac Pro, purchasing one of those is inconsequential.
This is more or less a market test. If they made it bigger and it didn't catch on then the entire endeavor would be a waste of money. With it being the same size even if it doesn't catch on the lessons learned and R&D money spent can trickle down to the regular 27" iMac, which they will anyway.
they desperately needed something to show to "prove" to people they had not forsaken the "Pro" label. The iMac Pro was nothing more than a stunt to shut down the conversation about how disgraceful Apple's attention to the Mac Pro market has been.

Why do I say stunt, because promising to deliver something six months away is easy, putting them in the hands of the review sites early is impossible with a powerpoint product. Still it did its job, it silenced the big critics and got geeks oohing over a gray chassis.

hell the number of people suddenly "needing" the iMac Pro is jump the shark hilarious. Reminds me of those house hunting shows where the husband works a crayon shaving company and his wife works from home with her rainbow sticker business, their budget is only 750,000
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If you're a true professional user, most often you'll be considering the resolution, color reproduction of the display, and prioritizing those aspects over the physical size. Apple has done a good job in those two areas with the 5K display in the iMacs, and offers by far the best display in any all-in-one desktop on the market today.

But of course, some workflows require an external monitor - and if you're already spending $5K+ on a new iMac Pro, purchasing one of those is inconsequential.
Its not the price of an extra display its the real-estate :)
I don't have room on my desk for a 27" iMac and another monitor..I also Like to use it to watch iTunes etc..
so I don't want it broken into 2 monitors or watch on a 27"
I do audio and want at least a 32_36" monitor..screen res is inconsequential to me.. If they won't do a mini
that a mid level user would want maybe they could make one with a 32" screen..thats all I'm asking :)
they desperately needed something to show to "prove" to people they had not forsaken the "Pro" label. The iMac Pro was nothing more than a stunt to shut down the conversation about how disgraceful Apple's attention to the Mac Pro market has been.

And you’re going to prove your theory or not?

The only monitor more “professional” than the 27” 5K resolution that Apple has, costs $5K on its own...

If you want a bigger screen, what is the problem of connecting it to your crappy 4K monitor via USB-C? In fact, I would not call a 4K screen at 32” a monitor anymore, it’s a TV at that point... with a big area for a low resolution...
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It is a pretty darn good screen. Enough to fulfill everybody's biggest endeavors. If you need bigger, then the Mac Pro is what you need to get.
I must say while I'm not denying peoples want for a huge monitor. I must say that 27" is a good size. I personally like to be able to have the entire monitor in my field of view as where I sit at my desk if the monitor was huge I would have to move my head all the time.

Even when using safari or iWork/Microsoft office. I don't even go full screen with the page as I find it is big enough already. If I am using editing software then different ball game, full screen all day.

Don't get me wrong I used to be one of those guys who wanted a huge screen but that was back when screens were small now I have realised that there is a definite optimum screen size/seating position ratio which is very much down to the users personal preference.
Just connect the upcoming Apple 8K display to your iMac Pro.
Heh, you have room on your desk for both a 27" iMac and another monitor?

It is a pretty darn good screen. Enough to fulfill everybody's biggest endeavors. If you need bigger, then the Mac Pro is what you need to get.
Yep a used mac pro will probably be what I do since Apple does not want to take my $5000
for a high end Mac mini or a 32" screen iMac ;(
There's really two issues with regards to monitor size. One is the number of inches measured diagonally, and the other is the number of pixels. I wonder if the original poster doesn't want more pixels rather but just wants more inches. In which case, it would be relatively easy to get a second monitor that is much larger in the physical size but has fewer pixels, and just put the iMac farther away.
If you're a true professional user, most often you'll be considering the resolution, color reproduction of the display, and prioritizing those aspects over the physical size. Apple has done a good job in those two areas with the 5K display in the iMacs, and offers by far the best display in any all-in-one desktop on the market today.

But of course, some workflows require an external monitor - and if you're already spending $5K+ on a new iMac Pro, purchasing one of those is inconsequential.
Most often would be the key word. For professional users like myself who started out their career with a Mac SE30, resolution and repo are benefits, not necessities. Not having enough space for tool bars and multiple docs is a production killer that would make the importance of rez/color subordinate to size.
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Most often would be the key word. For professional users like myself who started out their career with a Mac SE30, resolution and repo are benefits, not necessities. Not having enough space for tool bars and multiple docs is a production killer that would make the importance of rez/color subordinate to size.
Connecting a 32" 1920x1080 TV to an iMac will give you a lot less room to work with compared to the iMac's built-in 27" display. Resolution dictates usable screen space, not the physical size of the screen; easy to forget, but a fact nonetheless.

Because of the iMac's resolution, you even have the option to run it at higher-than-native in software. Won't be displayed 1:1 with the actual pixels on the screen, but because they are so small it's hardly noticeable, and you get more space for your work as a result. However, multiple documents and toolbars fit on the screen even without doing that.
Connecting a 32" 1920x1080 TV to an iMac will give you a lot less room to work with compared to the iMac's built-in 27" display. Resolution dictates usable screen space, not the physical size of the screen; easy to forget, but a fact nonetheless.

Because of the iMac's resolution, you even have the option to run it at higher-than-native in software. Won't be displayed 1:1 with the actual pixels on the screen, but because they are so small it's hardly noticeable, and you get more space for your work as a result. However, multiple documents and toolbars fit on the screen even without doing that.
Ture for most work but If you're using your monitor for tv watching and Protools its nice to have at least a 32" monitor.
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