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Would you buy a Windows Phone if Android apps are allowed?

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Original poster
Oct 17, 2013
Central California
Rumors are now leaking out that Microsoft intends to announce that Windows Mobile 10 will allow for the ability to sideload Android apps (akin to what Blackberry does). If they allow this to happen, and we are able to load Google Apps, would you be willing to buy a Windows Phone?

I know my Lumia 925 would become a lot more attractie, especially if I could use Google apps like Chrome.

We shall find out in 2 days time.


macrumors 68020
Mar 19, 2012
Why not just buy an Android phone? If you're just porting apps you lose a lot of what makes WP special like live tiles and such. I doubt that rumor will come to fruition anyway.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
If Windows Mobile 10 adds ability to load Android apps, would you buy?

Sadly it won't happen and if it did it would still be unreliable, leave many apps broken, come at the cost of performance overhead, and google services would still require a load of messing around - just like it currently is on blackberry.


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
for me personally I would rather see more customization in WM10 than Android apps. Like true wallpapers like Android or IOS. I know live tiles can use a background now. But not all the tiles can. So it kinda defeats the purpose. Be nice to have a more flat design. Some settings are buried a few levels deep.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
for me personally I would rather see more customization in WM10 than Android apps. Like true wallpapers like Android or IOS. I know live tiles can use a background now. But not all the tiles can. So it kinda defeats the purpose. Be nice to have a more flat design. Some settings are buried a few levels deep.

Yeah I'd like a full background image, which then makes some tiles semi opaque. Also the list view of apps is really painful when you have a ton of apps. They need to sort that... They also need to sort out their music player services once and for all. Music app has been broken for ages, and Nokia music seemingly on a death sentence - if they aren't going to sort out first party apps, what are chances of finally filling that app black hole.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 1, 2014
If I could get google services and load hangouts on it, why not? I've always admired windows phone, but disregarded it for the lack of apps.


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
Would Google allow their apps to be sideloaded to a Lumia phone? If they're not making official apps for Windows phone why would they allow them to be sideloaded?

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
Would Google allow their apps to be sideloaded to a Lumia phone? If they're not making official apps for Windows phone why would they allow them to be sideloaded?

If it's sideloading, they can't do much about it. Somebody just grabs the apk and runs it. Even if they update it to somehow shut out WP, just use an older version.


macrumors G4
Apr 9, 2010
where hip is spoken
Rumors are now leaking out that Microsoft intends to announce that Windows Mobile 10 will allow for the ability to sideload Android apps (akin to what Blackberry does). If they allow this to happen, and we are able to load Google Apps, would you be willing to buy a Windows Phone?

I know my Lumia 925 would become a lot more attractie, especially if I could use Google apps like Chrome.

We shall find out in 2 days time.
If Microsoft were to do that, it would be Microsoft's waving the white flag in defeat. There would be no incentive for developers to develop Windows Phone apps and there would be no incentive for consumers to buy a Windows Phone.


macrumors newbie
Jan 9, 2015
If Microsoft were to do that, it would be Microsoft's waving the white flag in defeat. There would be no incentive for developers to develop Windows Phone apps and there would be no incentive for consumers to buy a Windows Phone.

Aggreed. Ever since BlackBerry enable sideload Android Apps and Amazon App Store, the Blackberry App World is petty much abandoned by developers. All Android so aren't taking advantage of BlackBerry hub and it had not wok well with 1:1 screen.

I hope Microsoft won't make same mistake.


macrumors 68020
Jun 22, 2010
No way. I put up with the annoyance of sideloading apps with Blackberry (worse performance, not guaranteed to work) because of their messaging features/Hub, but not worth it for me on Windows Phone.


macrumors member
Jan 16, 2015
Why not just buy an Android phone? If you're just porting apps you lose a lot of what makes WP special like live tiles and such. I doubt that rumor will come to fruition anyway.

So you can actually get support and have the ability to use Android apps maybe?

Aggreed. Ever since BlackBerry enable sideload Android Apps and Amazon App Store, the Blackberry App World is petty much abandoned by developers. All Android so aren't taking advantage of BlackBerry hub and it had not wok well with 1:1 screen.

I hope Microsoft won't make same mistake.

Do you really think the majority of people are sideloading apps instead of getting the app straight from the official store? Blackberry doesn't count because it's not exactly a consumer phone.


macrumors 68020
Mar 19, 2012
So you can actually get support and have the ability to use Android apps maybe?

Do you really think the majority of people are sideloading apps instead of getting the app straight from the official store? Blackberry doesn't count because it's not exactly a consumer phone.

Allowing Android apps would do absolutely nothing but appease a niche set of users and absolutely destroy any incentive to develop for the platform. Why waste the time to write a WP app when they can just sideload my android version?


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
No, and I'd see it as a capitulation on MS' part admitting windows mobile is a failure (which I don't think it is).


macrumors 65816
Aug 22, 2014
It would be a nice feature to have, definitely. I think Windows Phone runs much smoother than Android. The only killer things for me is that some apps that I use a lot on an Android device are not on the Windows store (mostly Google apps). So yeah...if you can this with Windows 10 and the hardware is great, I would seriously consider it over the Android alternative.


macrumors G4
Oct 24, 2014
I'll switch to a Windows phone when it can actually run full Windows software and has a hardware dock. Maybe in two years when node size shrinks to 10nm. This is where dual Windows modern interface makes sense in phone mode and desktop mode when docked.


macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Yes because they are still missing too many apps and many that they do have that are of the same as Android still suck. For example, eBay sucks on Windows and they dont have some of the biggest games yet like Clash Of The Clans.
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