Post your email here or PM me and I'll invite you to test on your Apple Watch running watchOS 2 beta 5. Free.
If this is off-topic to Apple Watch, I apologize.
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Thanks for your kind words. Sent.
Clearly, you must be using the iOS 9 beta on your iPhone and watchOS 2 beta as it supports the new APIs. Post your email here or PM and an invite will be sent your way to try on your Apple Watch running watchOS 2 beta 5.
Post your email here or PM me and I'll invite you to test on your Apple Watch running watchOS 2 beta 5. Free.
If this is off-topic to Apple Watch, I apologize.
Thats weird as the latest TestFlight update specifically says its for testing iOS 9 features and WatchOS 2! Maybe it was just to set the groundwork to be implemented when the two release later in the year?