Recently I’ve noticed a flash in some of my Live Photos. I first noticed it when I had taken some pictures near my white kitchen table and with my white wall in the background. When I looped the Live Photo I noticed the flash happen in the left side of the table and wall.
This evening I took some sunset photos and on one of them the flash also occurred on the sun. I’m attaching a video where I am playing the live photo.
Is it common or a bug? I wonder if it has something to do with bright objects considering the flash happens near the sun and has previously happened on white tables/walls which are near my window.
This evening I took some sunset photos and on one of them the flash also occurred on the sun. I’m attaching a video where I am playing the live photo.
Is it common or a bug? I wonder if it has something to do with bright objects considering the flash happens near the sun and has previously happened on white tables/walls which are near my window.