Just want to make sure this isn't some sort of scam to get my personal info or something. I never sold a phone on ebay before so I don't know if this is normal to ask? Thanks!
I sold a lot of devices through eBay over many years, no one ever asked me that. But I have a 100% profile and sold lot of expensive stuff, maybe that is why. But I wouldn't give out a serial number, only if the device has already been sold.
It’s probably too late but you should not share that info. Scammers will use your legit S#/IMEI/MEID to clone or legitimize a bad phone. Tell the buyer they are protected by PayPal.
Personally I always take a picture of the serial number to prove I did own it if something comes up later, but I would not share that number before the buyer has purchased it from me. Anyone can provide the serial number to law enforcement and claim that phone was his and that it was stolen.
I've never been asked for a serial number when selling anything on ebay.
I've recently sold my old iPhone 6s on eBay and no one asked for the serial number. As far as I know, it's not an issue but I still wouldn't give it to them. If your feedback doesn't ease their mind, perhaps they should not bid on it.
I personally wouldn’t give it to them. They could be malicious and block the IMEI on their end if they want to be petty enough. You just can’t be too careful with people nowadays
This is why I prefer Swappa. The site checks for blacklist/stolen while both seller and buyer are protected (at least as far as blacklist/stolen at the time of listing).