You can only install software Apple digitally signs. Apple is no longer signing iOS 10 for 6s Plus, only regular 6s.Why cant i go to 10?
Not true, 11.0.1, 11.0.2 and 11.0.3 are also available as well as iOS 11.2 beta.You can’t go to 10 at this point. It is 11.1 or nothing.
You can't be stuck on anything that isn't the latest version for the device. For example, any iPhone 5 can install 10.3.3 since iOS 10 is the last version for iPhone 5.If i continue not to upgrade, is it possible that one day iOS14 or more will come out and i will not be able to make the upgrade due to old iPhone specs and that way i will be stuck with iOS9?
If i continue not to upgrade, is it possible that one day iOS14 or more will come out and i will not be able to make the upgrade due to old iPhone specs and that way i will be stuck with iOS9?
Leave it on 9. iOS 11 is a mess.
What exactly are the issues?Leave it on 9. iOS 11 is a mess.
What exactly are the issues?
iOS 11 is not even close to the mess that some are making it out to be. 11.2 beta 1 is pretty much perfect IMO. I say go with the upgrade.
I wouldn't update to iOS 11, if it wasn't for watchOS i need a few reasons of why should i upgrade to 11 or 10. Im using an iPhone6S+, is it really worth the upgrade or should i wait for a few bugs to be fixed, or should i just stay on 9? (im quite happy with it to be frank)
Why do you say this? How did u test it?...but with worse battery life...
What exactly are the issues?
Well with iOS 10 my 6s still had 50-60% at the end of a typical work day (after coming off the charger in the morning), now it struggles to make it through the day without a top up. It's also the most commonly reported issue with iOS 11...Why do you say this? How did u test it?
I’d upgrade for the security patches alone. iOS 9 has some major security i need a few reasons of why should i upgrade to 11 or 10. Im using an iPhone6S+, is it really worth the upgrade or should i wait for a few bugs to be fixed, or should i just stay on 9? (im quite happy with it to be frank)