I have been on Android since my Blackberry Curve, I prefer Android but I’m not some nerd/fanboy about stuff like this or anything actually but anyway. I have an iPad and love it minus a few things like sharing files etc. I have a desktop that is 10+ years old I don’t use but since the m1 I have been thinking about getting a Mac Mini. The problem is I don’t like spending a bunch on a phone and I don’t have to have the latest but feel like I’ll have to spend a considerable amount on an iPhone because a camera is the most important thing to me on a phone. I use a Pixel 3 XL and am very happy with it so if I get an iPhone what is the minimum iPhone that would be at the same level as my Pixel in the camera? The main reason is if I get a Mac Mini I would like to use calls and text on the Mac and on my iPad. I don’t currently use iMessage on my iPad but it would be convenient