This is my first post on here so hello. A little background on me: I had every iPhone from the original one to the 4S. Then I got away from Apple and began using Android. I currently have an Android (Samsung Galaxy Light) and am thinking of coming back to the iPhone. My main reason is that I cannot stand staying on outdated firmware like I currently am. I'm still on 4.4.2 Kit Kat and I may never see Lollipop. Some people on the Android side say this doesn't matter but to me it does. I don't have current features or look of Lollipop. I miss having my 4S because it never gave me any issues and it always had timely updates. I read yesterday that it may even get iOS 9. To me that's incredible. Any Android phone from 2011 is still stuck on outdated software and Apple's current venture into supporting old phones like the 4S impresses me. I understand it won't get ALL new iOS 9 features and won't be fast like the current 6 or 6+ but it suited me well as far as size and durability. Is the 4S still a good buy, do you all think it will get iOS 9 and do you guys think it would run well on my carrier Metro PCS (I know it won't get 4G LTE)? I appreciate any feedback. Thanks!