Dear You!
Can anyone with a 27inch IMac 2017 with 4.2 processor help me to figure out if these temperature is normal,or if I have a not so good processor?
I am aware that the i7 7700K processor is fast and hot, but I was puzzled to see all 4 cores going up to 100 Degrees while browsing my Lightroom library...goes back with fan coming in,doesn`t stay there...maybe thats ok? and I shouldn_t be worried?!
I would ask you to do the same Benchmark test,with the same temperature tool,and I hope to sea then,if these core degrees are just normal or not.
Cinebench Test 15 free download at
Macs Fan Control free download at
If you could do a similar screenshot like mine for comparison, I would appreciate your help a lot!
Can anyone with a 27inch IMac 2017 with 4.2 processor help me to figure out if these temperature is normal,or if I have a not so good processor?
I am aware that the i7 7700K processor is fast and hot, but I was puzzled to see all 4 cores going up to 100 Degrees while browsing my Lightroom library...goes back with fan coming in,doesn`t stay there...maybe thats ok? and I shouldn_t be worried?!
I would ask you to do the same Benchmark test,with the same temperature tool,and I hope to sea then,if these core degrees are just normal or not.
Cinebench Test 15 free download at
Macs Fan Control free download at
If you could do a similar screenshot like mine for comparison, I would appreciate your help a lot!