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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 26, 2007
San Juan, PR

I have a 27" 2017 iMac 5K for a year and now it's getting random freezes. The computer seems to keep working but I get no response from the keyboard or mouse. A few months back I installed Majove and everything was running smooth with no problems... how can I know whats happening?
If you search you’ll find more of these on the forum. I had a similar problem with the same model which I had to return. I had to unplug and replug before it would reboot, and eventually it would reboot at all. Contact Apple!
One interesting thing... I unplugged the external HD that I use for Time Machine and I haven't seen another freeze.. hummmmm
One interesting thing... I unplugged the external HD that I use for Time Machine and I haven't seen another freeze.. hummmmm
Good catch.
Use Disk Utility to check the external HDD you use for Time Machine. If it has a problem then Finder can get bogged down trying to communicate with it.
I had random OS freezes where I had to turn it off by holding the power button.
Ran the Apple Diagnostic tests and it turns out I had a bad memory module.
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