My machine is iMac 2013 late, core-i5 27 inches. It had Catalina 10.15.some, 2 days ago i received an update notification for 10.15.7 or something. I installed these updates which took more than 30 minutes. after shutting down 1,2 times my iMac was not showing any signal to be shown as alive. Nothing happened by pressing the Power On button. After some hours I tried again & it got started. I thought it could be a cable problem or something. I used it for a few hours but slept without shutting it down at night. In the morning when i tried to switch it on it didn't take any power. I tried different outlets, cables but this time it didn't power on at all. Now it's not reacting, no power, no fan, no sound, no logo, i tried different couple of keys combos but it's not powering on. There's no Type C in my iMac for configurator 2 attempt. Also i'm not sure if it's a T2 chip because i never tried to bother to see what is in the 'Controller' section from About this Apple. Can you please suggest to me what should i do? Is my iMac dead now just because of Catalina Update?