When researching the best iMac configuration for LR use (thanks again for the responses I got here) I came across numerous threads and hundreds of posts from unhappy people who had purchased a full load iMac only to find that LR ran very slowly on it. The cures offered were to check out the 3rd party RAM that people added and to cut down the resolution of the screen, an unhappy fix indeed.
So, now well into 2017 has this problem been solved? I suspect it has since most of the posts regarding this seem to have petered out in 2016, but it would be good to get some definitive information before I make a purchase. Thanks
So, now well into 2017 has this problem been solved? I suspect it has since most of the posts regarding this seem to have petered out in 2016, but it would be good to get some definitive information before I make a purchase. Thanks