I have been using my current 2009 iMac as an iTunes server for movies and tv shows for a long time now. I have it set to never let the computer go to sleep and to have the display go to sleep after a short period of time. I don't think the recent slowness I have been having is related to leaving it on all the time, but didn't know. I am going to be purchasing a new iMac here in the next month or so (unless new non-retina iMacs are close?) and was debating on also picking up a lowend Mac Mini to use as a server. The downside is I would have to lose some of the upgrades I was planning on putting into the iMac to be able to do this. All of my media is on an external 3TB HD and will be connected to whatever computer I use as the server.
Is there anything wrong with using an iMac or retina iMac as a server along with normal usage as I have been doing all along? Or should I get a lowend Mac Mini along with the iMac and lower the specs on the iMac to compensate for cost?
Thanks so much!
Is there anything wrong with using an iMac or retina iMac as a server along with normal usage as I have been doing all along? Or should I get a lowend Mac Mini along with the iMac and lower the specs on the iMac to compensate for cost?
Thanks so much!