OP asked:
"Now I have a question.
I have a usb3 dock & an ssd 128g. Do you think that if I install the programs here, will be faster?"
Actually, it might make the apps load faster, yes.
But... it might cause glitches, insofar as having your boot OS in one place and your apps on another drive is concerned. I'm thinking that Adobe apps in particular might be finicky about this.
You're telling us that you already have an SSD that can be mounted via USB?
Then... it costs you nothing to try my suggestion in reply 4 above.
What I would further suggest is this:
1. Erase the external SSD to Mac OS extended with journaling enabled
2. Use CarbonCopyCloner to clone your fusion drive to the SSD. BUT...
2a. You will need to "be selective" about what you clone over.
3. CCC allows you to "pick and choose" what will be copied and what will be left behind
4. When you set up CCC to get ready to clone, go into your home folder
5. You need to start de-selecting "the big stuff" (so it doesn't clog up the SSD), such as the stuff inside your movies, music and pictures folders.
5a. You DO want to clone over the "first level of subfolders" (i.e., music, movies, pictures. It's THE STUFF INSIDE these folders that you need to be selective about.
5b. You DO want to clone over the Library folder that is INSIDE your home folder (this is a different folder than the "Library" at the root level, which should get cloned, as well)
6. CCC will offer to clone the recovery partition. YES, do this as well.
Then, with everything properly selected, just "let 'er go".
When done, you should have a fully-bootable SSD with the OS, apps, and your accounts.
Again, this is worth a try.
It costs you NOTHING.
If you don't like the results, just erase the SSD and use it for something else.
But... I think you WILL like the way it performs...