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Powerbook 140

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 22, 2019
essex UK
Hi all. I have a 1999 slot loading Imac G3 which unfortunately has passed away and i would love to revive it. the unit will do nothing and there is a faint ticking coming from the Down Converter board i believe it was killed from a power surge as a Dell Optiplex GX280s power supply has also failed in the same room. the PRAM battery is charged to a sufficient level too i fear the P,A,V board is damaged and needs working on
Old macs in general are really picky about PMU and PRAM issues, but iMac G3s seem especially prone to these issues. I've had to hit that little button on both my iMacs. They both had similar symptoms to yours where they acted totally dead, but that little button and a new battery fixed it right up.
Old macs in general are really picky about PMU and PRAM issues, but iMac G3s seem especially prone to these issues. I've had to hit that little button on both my iMacs. They both had similar symptoms to yours where they acted totally dead, but that little button and a new battery fixed it right up.
ive pressed the button but didnt change the battery
yeah when i plug the 240V supply in it makes Zapping sounds and for some reason makes my thinkpad produce a windows hardware remove sound too
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