Stock base iMac Pro and game from Apple store. Was slow to use seed/swap devices but ok in windowed mode. Tried fullscreen and it's glourious to look at but now stalls, freezes runs slow. Cannot get it back into window mode. Cannot believe that with this much power a game like this brings my new baby to it's knees?? Once it started making noise !!! First time I have heard the fans . Put my hand behind to feel the air comming out and it was real warm. Switched to finder and wait and the fans did spin down. How in the world can this play a first person shooter type game ?? Is something wrong with mine or is this normal??
BTW old mach is a dual G-4 bought on 03/02/2002 still runs 10.2/OS9
BTW old mach is a dual G-4 bought on 03/02/2002 still runs 10.2/OS9