Most of the reviews skew heavily toward video editing though.
There are one or two that talk about image editing and rendering but personally I’d like to see more input from people in other pro disciplines that might benefit from the hardware. I’d really like to know what the effects the different BTO options have in various fields.
If anyone has any info/reviews on:
- Unreal / Unity / Modo / Maya / Blender / Zbrush etc etc
- DAWs (particularly Logic Pro)
- the better optimised Adobe competitors for image editing (Affinity apps, Pixelmator Pro, Capture One Pro etc).
Please share what you know. I’ve been digging through their respective forums but a lot of these places are either Windows only or don’t have iMPs yet.
I need to replace hardware and like many of you there are a bunch of different options I’m weighing up and the info would help immensely.
Yes, that's also what I am wondering, eg. is the performance difference between the 8 core and 10 core that big? Some say the singe core speed is better on the 8 core other say on the 10 core.