I just got my IMP with the standard configuration. The only hardware upgrade was a 2TB hard drive. I also got the Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro X bundle. I transferred everything from my Late 2015 Imac to the new machine. One thing I have noticed is when you turn the computer on the Apple logo appears for about 10-15 seconds and then the status bar appears and the machine boots to a login screen. The puzzling part is the status bar delay. All my other Macs have both the logo and status bar appear at same time. I called Applecare and spoke with a senior advisor and honestly she was worthless and just said this is normal without doing any troubleshooting. I would have no problem with this but since no other Macs I have or had exhibited this behavior it raises the question of whether this is normal or not. I am wondering if any other users with the IMP could check and see if the same sequence of events occurs upon startup of machine.