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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 9, 2009
Atlanta GA
is it worth anything? can I update it any further and get some use out of it or should I sell it or just donate it for the tax write off?


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You should Never put your serial number on the web, just like you SSN or CC info. People are not always honest since Eve ate the fruit.
To your questions, one persons junk is another persons treasure all computers are worth something. Place it on Craiglist or Ebay see what you get.
thanks i edited the pic

can it be updated to high sierra and maybe used for app development or something?
It has value and that depends on which Apple iMac "Core 2 Duo" 3.06 (Late 2009) you have...21.5" or 27". has "Estimated Current Retail" values for all Macs but they usually look high to me. You can also check Ebay to see what that exact model is selling for without actually putting it up for sale. Donation-tax-deduction-wise is up to you.

It can run up to the current macOS and would be a much better and usable machine with more RAM installed and after swapping the old, spinner hard drive that I assume is in there for an SSD.
Always found nit odd Apple mused the model sequence 10.1 for both the 21.5" and 27" models, and later in the nrun changed the 27" to model 11.1. The 27" will be worth say a hundred dollars more than the 21.5" which should bring about $100-$150.
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