Whoa, this is already a lot of info.
First off, the iMac is a 21.5" mid 2011, 2.5Ghz i5, 8 GB RAM, running 10.10.3.
I noticed the insomnia recently, but don't know for sure when it began. I upgraded to 10.10.3 around the time it began (possibly), but like I said, I don't know for sure when it actually began.
Mugwumper, it sounds like you had the same problem. Do know for sure what caused it, and what did you do about it?
Chippy 99, unfortunately I am far more of a user than a tinkerer. You wrote:
"Open up a Terminal session and type "pmset -g assertions" and see if PreventSystemSleep is 1 or 0. Also PreventUserIdleSystemSleep. Then look further down to see which process(es) are listed under these headings. It will tell you what process(es) are stopping your Mac from sleeping."
1. How do I open up a Terminal Session?
2. What should PreventSystemSleep be set at, 1 or 0?
3. Will I find PreventUserIdleSystemSleep nearby? 1 or 0?
4. If I find which processes(es) are stopping my machine from sleeping can I undo them somehow?
Sorry if I sound totally ignorant. I'm a lot more conversant that my bride.
Thanks so much to you. Once I know what I'm doing I'll let you know how it turns out.