Hey there. I have a 2014 iMac 5k that has severe image retention problems around its edges. It clears up eventually, but it only takes about 20 seconds to form (
). This behavior started when the machine was 2 years old and I've just been living with it. I've seen from posts here that this has been a problem in later models, like the 2017. Is it still hounding the 2019 models? If so, is it a random problem like in the old Retina Macbook Pros, or does it effect all of them? I'm thinking of upgrading and my only option would be to trade my 2014 machine in for a lousy $540 which is way below the market value since who would buy it in this condition? I don't want to pay $3000 for a 2019 machine that's going to develop this and be equally unsellable when I'm done with it.