Hello there.
Can someone please help me understand what's going on here?
I started to get warnings that my iCloud storage was low and so I went to free up some space. I noticed that my iMessage was taking up near 10GB in the iCloud storage... But when I open the iMessage tab on iCloud storage it says that is using 800MB... Then if I go to my iPhone storage it says its using 400'ish MB... So... What's going on? Deleted messages that are still using up space? If so, how do I delete them?
Thank you for all the help.

Can someone please help me understand what's going on here?
I started to get warnings that my iCloud storage was low and so I went to free up some space. I noticed that my iMessage was taking up near 10GB in the iCloud storage... But when I open the iMessage tab on iCloud storage it says that is using 800MB... Then if I go to my iPhone storage it says its using 400'ish MB... So... What's going on? Deleted messages that are still using up space? If so, how do I delete them?
Thank you for all the help.