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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 10, 2007
I'm at a loss. I'm working on some old home video. I drag a bunch of clips into the timeline, and the newest clip is first, oldest last. Any way to change that? I obviously want it in chronological order, but I can't figure it out. I've tried all different ways of the order they're listed in the event, changed the order I select them...nothing changes. Anyone know how to drag multiple clips into the timeline with the oldest video first?
Which version of iMovie? I'm using 10.1.6 and just dragged in 12 clips into a Timeline and the arranged oldest first to newest.

Could this be the problem. Click on the Event in the Sidebar. Go to View Menu>Sort Clips By... check that Date and Ascending are ticked. If I tick descending, then clips are placed Newest first in the Timeline.
Thanks. When checking that, I realized I had my events were showing days separately, which screwed it up. Thanks for the getting. It got me there.
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