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Robby C

macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
Hey guys,

So I have a ton of video files on my computer that I have used to compile into different movies. Now that I have finished those projects and published them, is it safe to delete those files? Please note that I do not want to delete the projects I have created, because I would like to keep them to reflect upon my work. What I am asking is if it's safe for me to delete the video files? If I do will I still be able to watch my finished projects in iMovie, even if the files are deleted?

Thanks in advance.


Sep 7, 2008
forlod bygningen
You can't view finished projects, if the media is missing, meaning if you delete the video files, iMovie has nothing to display.

Just export the finished sequence(s) with the best settings you want and then delete the media if necessary and use a video player software like QuickTime Player to watch the exported movie(s).

I don't know of iMovie's batch capture abilities though, in other words, how it can re-capture or re-import the video files into an existing project, but the search engine of your choice might help you there, if you ever feel the need to edit the project(s) again.

Robby C

macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
By export do you mean export to youtube? Because I've done that with some of my projects, and I've also done it so that I've exported them to be shared to my computer so I can use them in other applications, such as iDVD.

Sorry for the blatant terminology I am using, I haven't created a project in a while. I'm just cleaning out my computer and would like to clean up these video files with out affecting the projects I've already completed.

Edit: I think I have already exported my projects, but I will do it again. Is there anyway I can find out if I have duplicated any videos?
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