Well it wont automatically indent, but if you hold Option and press the number 8 you'll get the bullet point "dot" if you follow that by pressing Tab you have your indented bullet point.
It's what I do, its quick once you get used to it. If you want to speed things up even more, use it in conjunction with holding Control and using the arrow left/right keys to jump between the start and end of the sentence.
I should say actually, that's on a hardware keyboard. I've not tried it on the software one. I think the quickest way to at least get the • on the software one is by holding down the - key. But I'll have to have a play for the indent if it's the software keyboard you're looking to use.
*Edit again
Actually, just had a play in notes with the software keyboard. If you hold the - key and select the • from the popup, then press space straight afterwards, it indents the • automatically for you.
*Final edit, probably
Just tried in Notes with the hardware keyboard. Same thing, hold Option and press 8 for the • and then space straight afterwards will also indent the • for you.
Sorry for all the edits and waffling, at this time of day my medication is in full swing. Think yourself lucky you're not hear to hear me singing along to everything