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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 14, 2008
Has anyone ever seen this pop up before a purchased movie before?

I must have watched saving private Ryan a million times and have never seen this pop up before

That's a lot of visual garbage on the screen just to say... *squints eyes* ...that it's okay to watch? Who's bright idea was this?
Nothing to worry. That is the certificate that is isued by the 'censor board' of India. That's the board that certifies films as suitable for U-Unrestricted public exhibition, U/A-needs parental guidance for under 12 and so on. That's the board that is notorious for cutting scenes that they deem to be inappropriate for Indian audience - explicit sexual content, for example. But unless you are viewing the movie from an Indian App store, you shouldn't be getting this. It is meant for Indian audience only.
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