After installing a SSD HD in my late 2013 iMac I've got the original 1TB Sata HD in a box waiting to be used anywhere. On the other hand I'm trying to give a second life to my father's iMac G4 from 2002 installing Tiger into it. And I was just wondering if I could take advantage of that 1TB HD and install it at my father's G4. I know that most probably I won't be able to use the whole space of it, but I'm sure by changing the oldy 40Gb original IDE HD he will notice a performance improvement -on top of space increasing...
Point is, what do I need to install it? I have read a PCI card that provides me a SATA port. But is it as easy as that? -Install the pci card and plug the sata HD? Or should I configure that PCI card?
On another level, how can I allocate the pci card inside the G4? It seems quite impossible to me considering the little space i saw when I opened it to change the internal battery...
After installing a SSD HD in my late 2013 iMac I've got the original 1TB Sata HD in a box waiting to be used anywhere. On the other hand I'm trying to give a second life to my father's iMac G4 from 2002 installing Tiger into it. And I was just wondering if I could take advantage of that 1TB HD and install it at my father's G4. I know that most probably I won't be able to use the whole space of it, but I'm sure by changing the oldy 40Gb original IDE HD he will notice a performance improvement -on top of space increasing...
Point is, what do I need to install it? I have read a PCI card that provides me a SATA port. But is it as easy as that? -Install the pci card and plug the sata HD? Or should I configure that PCI card?
On another level, how can I allocate the pci card inside the G4? It seems quite impossible to me considering the little space i saw when I opened it to change the internal battery...