So I have a TiBook G4 800Mhz DVI running 10.4.11. It can run Classic just fine (Mac OS 9.2.2 w/the special Classic updates that Mac OS X installs). But I select Mac OS 9.2.2 as the Startup Disk from the Startup Disk pref pane of Mac OS X, I get the blinking disk with a question mark on boot -- it can't find the drive or Mac OS X. If I do a forced shutdown and re-boot, I get the same thing -- it can't find a bootable system. If I hold the option key down on reboot, same thing -- no OS X system can be found. The only way to recover the system is to boot from the 10.4 install disk and bless the Mac OS X folder using the Startup Disk pref pane and reboot.
Any ideas of how I can get this system to recognize the Classic system as a bootable system? This machine should be able to boot from Mac OS 9.2.2.
Any ideas of how I can get this system to recognize the Classic system as a bootable system? This machine should be able to boot from Mac OS 9.2.2.