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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 11, 2022
I was using Intaglio as my vectorial drawing app. I love that app, it's absolutely perfect for my needs. It is simple to use, has a very nice interface and isn't bloated with features that I don't need. Very unfortunately, it isn't developed anymore. While I'm slowly migrating from an old Mac to a new mini M2/Ventura, I discovered yesterday that the latest version of Intaglio is all messed up in Rosetta 2 and can't be used anymore. Is anybody here experienced issues with it, in Ventura/Rosetta?

What would be the best alternative to Intaglio, that is able to open Intaglio files? I don't want/need a super big loaded/bloated app with a large set of features that I would never use (like Illustrator). Intaglio was the perfect tool for me. It's really a shame that this app isn't developed anymore and is condemned to die!


macrumors 68040
Aug 19, 2020
while you can extract the included SVG from the intaglio container (.intaglio) you can try e.g. EazyDraw to open these files.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 11, 2022
while you can extract the included SVG from the intaglio container (.intaglio) you can try e.g. EazyDraw to open these files.

Yes, I'll need to give this app a try. But I hope that EazyDraw isn't cluttered with tons of functions or features that I'll never use. I don't want to lose my time navigating in complicated tool bars, surcharged menus and cluttered windows! I need to draw technical/physics diagrams or figures, not complex magazine front pages or fancy illustrations. Intaglio was such a perfect app for me, I really don't accept that it died so stupidly! :mad:


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 11, 2022
Apart EazyDraw, are there other good vectorial apps that could open Intaglio files? I've read some very bad comments elsewhere about EazyDraw. :confused:


macrumors 68040
Aug 19, 2020
It least on Big Sur the following steps seems to allow people to run Intaglio 3.9.5 - and export their files to SVG or PDF:

  1. Under Window > Workspace menu choose Floating Windows

2. Click on Intaglio application and "Get info". Click on "Open in Low Resolution" Open Intaglio.

In case of the latter you can check wether after closing intaglio and unticking "Open in Low Resolution" it reopens normally, recognises all previous documents and works as expected.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 11, 2022
It least on Big Sur the following steps seems to allow people to run Intaglio 3.9.5 - and export their files to SVG or PDF:
  1. Under Window > Workspace menu choose Floating Windows
2. Click on Intaglio application and "Get info". Click on "Open in Low Resolution" Open Intaglio.

What "Floating Windows" and "Low Resolution" doing? I don't understand these options. How an app could be opened in "low resolution"?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 11, 2022
It least on Big Sur the following steps seems to allow people to run Intaglio 3.9.5 - and export their files to SVG or PDF:

  1. Under Window > Workspace menu choose Floating Windows

2. Click on Intaglio application and "Get info". Click on "Open in Low Resolution" Open Intaglio.

In case of the latter you can check wether after closing intaglio and unticking "Open in Low Resolution" it reopens normally, recognises all previous documents and works as expected.
Ok, it works with your path #1. But I don't see anything related to "Low Resolution" in the Info window.

And the main window frame in Intaglio (version 3.9.5) is all messed up, with badly drawn borders (see the examples below). Do you have this too?




So is there a way to get back the proper borders in Intaglio 3.9.5 (latest version)?


macrumors 68020
Feb 21, 2017
Back End of Beyond
Ok, it works with your path #1. But I don't see anything related to "Low Resolution" in the Info window.
According to what I've read, this is the way to activate this "Open in Low Resolution" mode:
  • Make a backup copy of the Intaglio application
  • Open the application folder, then right click the app and choose "Show Package Contents"
  • Edit Contents/info.plist in a text editor app
  • Toward the bottom of the file, just before </dict>, add the following lines:

  • Move the app package out of the applications folder. Then move it back in.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 11, 2022
According to what I've read, this is the way to activate this "Open in Low Resolution" mode:
  • Make a backup copy of the Intaglio application
  • Open the application folder, then right click the app and choose "Show Package Contents"
  • Edit Contents/info.plist in a text editor app
  • Toward the bottom of the file, just before </dict>, add the following lines:

  • Move the app package out of the applications folder. Then move it back in.
There are several </dict> lines at the bottom:

<string>Classic Mac OS text</string>
</dict> <---- #1
</dict> <---- #2
</dict> <---- #3

Should I place your two lines just before the last one (#3), without any Tab spacings?

EDIT: I tried to add these two lines at several places before some of the last </dict> (#1, #2 and #3), and launching the app doesn't show any difference. The main window still have the weird graphical artifacts on the bottom horizontal edge, and a the right side of the main window.
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macrumors 68020
Feb 21, 2017
Back End of Beyond
There are several </dict> lines at the bottom:

<string>Classic Mac OS text</string>

Should I place your two lines just before the last one, without any Tab spacings?
Haven't tried it myself but yes, do it between the last </dict> and the final </plist>.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 11, 2022
Haven't tried it myself but yes, do it between the last </dict> and the final </plist>.
I just tried it, and it makes no difference at all. I still get the artifacts around the main window (at bottom and the right side). It's really ugly!

And I guess you mean *before* the last </dict>, since the app can't be opened at all if I put the code lines after it.
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macrumors 68040
Aug 19, 2020
“low resolution” was available in the application info-window (to render an app in low non-retina resolution) - it is gone there since Monterey. You can try to run Intaglio from the terminal:

open /Applications/where\ ever/it/is/located/on/your/Mac/ --args -AppleMagnifiedMode YES

IMHO this still will provide you at best with an option to open Intaglio files and export as e.g. PDF.

Do the cosmetical glitches you documented have any impact on the opened files or an export?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 11, 2022
“low resolution” was available in the application info-window (to render an app in low non-retina resolution) - it is gone there since Monterey. You can try to run Intaglio from the terminal:

open /Applications/where\ ever/it/is/located/on/your/Mac/ --args -AppleMagnifiedMode YES

IMHO this still will provide you at best with an option to open Intaglio files and export as e.g. PDF.

Do the cosmetical glitches you documented have any impact on the opened files or an export?
No, the cosmetical glitch doesn't affect the app's operation. AFAIK, everything seems to work as it should. But man this altered interface is butt ugly!

EDIT: I tried your Terminal command. It doesn't remove the drawing issue around the main window (geez it's horrible!). And the Terminal command do have an effect: it blurs all the rest (all names and items in the floating palettes). This blurring effect is really ugly, so I reset it back to the normal rendering.

I still could use Intaglio to edit and export all my old figures. But it's really sad that this great app is dying. I didn't tried extensively EazyDraw yet, but this one seems to have an horrible interface, compared to Intaglio.

I also have a similar issue with some other Intel apps: Xee (app to visualize pictures) is also dying without a comparable Silicon app replacement. Xee has the unique hability (AFAIK) to show pictures in random order, it is small and pretty fast with a minimalistic interface. All other replacements I tried (Pixea, Lenscape and EdgeView for example) don't have a random order option, which I really need.
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macrumors 68040
Aug 19, 2020
I also have a similar issue with some other Intel apps: Xee (app to visualize pictures) is also dying without a comparable Silicon app replacement. Xee has the unique hability (AFAIK) to show pictures in random order, it is small and pretty fast with a minimalistic interface.
Qview has a randomized sort function and is quite minimalistic otherwise.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 11, 2022
Qview has a randomized sort function and is quite minimalistic otherwise.
I already tried qView. You can't use a random selection without going into a slideshow mode. It's very limited, and we can't even drag and drop a folder of pictures into its icon or into its main window. This app sucks!
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