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macrumors G3
Original poster
Feb 22, 2020

Basically intel doing a BIG.little on x86. It's more complex as Windows x86 is not yet adapted to this arrangement. Also, the starting chip is basically a premium-priced Atom CPU with 1 BIG that's not really optimized (0+4 arrangement).

Still, it's an interesting move by intel. Wonder if it's a bit too late at this point, especially with their positioning. Nobody would want to pay premium price for Atom performance, and by the time Windows x86 scheduler support this, the ARM side will probably be already far ahead.


macrumors 68040
Jun 25, 2007
St. Paul, Minnesota
x86-64 and CISC is going to be taking a backseat in the consumer electronics industry for awhile to ARM and RISC until the pendulum swings back someday or the next big thing hits. Promise.
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