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macrumors newbie
Aug 7, 2009
New Jersey
Hi all. I am TwoSpot (AKA Ed, Eddie). I am brand new to Digital recording. I am not new to Macs although I haven't used one for a while. On friday I purchased an iMac 24" 2.66Ghz C2D. I love it. I also purchased Logic Studio 9. I have Ableton Live 8 also. My friends swear by it but I really don't like it. I just couldn't get into it. I like the layout of the Apple products (Logic, Garageband) better. I have a Presonus Firebox Studio hooke to the Mac. I have a Yamaha DTXpress IV Special electronic drum kit ( I am a drummer), a Yamaha Acoustic/Electric guitar (I just started learning so I can't play squat), and a Yamaha PSR-E313 Keyboard that I borrowed from my father in law. So until I get better chops on the guitar and keyboard I'll be using alot of loops!

So that's my setup. I will be asking alot of questions. I am already having problems getting the midi going on the keyboard but I already posted about that.
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macrumors newbie
Aug 22, 2009
Mexico City
Red Page

Hi to all!!

Well, my name is Daniel and I´m a musician --guitar player and composer-- from Mexico City; I have my projects to be recorded and basically I would like to do that in my new iMac.

You can visit my bands web page here RED PAGE BAND

The thing is that i am a totally newbie with Macs and i will need total assistance... I want to know everything about the setting up; because i have an m Audio delta 66 card that does not seems to fit this iMac so Im very confused at this point! :)

I have heard great things about macs and audio recording but as for now i dont have a clue!! What can you recommend me?

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macrumors newbie
Oct 3, 2009
My gear

I spent years using a dedicated PC running Cubase SX and my MOTU 828mkII. Bought Warp, The Grand(version 2) & Native Instruments B4 Hammond VST instruments although never use the WARP.

I added a MOTU 8pre to the set-up about 2 years ago and 6 months ago, made the switch to Mac...

I'm now running an iMac with Logic 8 and the same two MOTUs. Got my VSTs to work, although I haven't tried the Warp. Loving it as a piece of kit and am getting to grips with Logic after so long with Cubase.

I've collected numerous microphones over the years, particularly AKG I've recently noticed. And am using my gear to record guitars, drums, vocals etc (with my cousin Dave and my mate Chris).
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macrumors newbie
Oct 14, 2009
Refer to my recent post, where I have it all listed and the problems I'm having as well and feel free to help/advise in any way you can. :)
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macrumors newbie
Mar 25, 2009
Grand Rapids, MI
Hello, all. I'm a lurker who has finally decided to come out of his shell a little. I was born to a band of traveling gypsies, but abandoned shortly thereafter in Nova Scotia where I was raised by a pack of timber wolves. Here I learned valuable skills such as howling at the moon and sucking eggs. When I had reached full maturity I moved south where I landed a regular job as an extra on the set of an off-Broadway all midget stage version of "Easy Rider". Realizing that my career was going nowhere I moved to Michigan and followed my lifelong dream of becoming a CMM programmer and raising a family.

I've always been a Mac guy. Here's my stuff :

My Stuff

The Blue and White G3 is the computer I use when I feel like recording. All my equipment is listed on the site, but for those who don't feel the need to visit I'll list it here.

B&W G3 Mac with 500Mhz G4 upgrade running Tiger, ATA SATA and SCSI drives (just because I can) and DVD ROM. My music hardware includes my ART SGX2000 DSP, MOTU 896 FireWire A/D converter, MOTU MIDI Timpiece AV, Alesis SR-16 drum machine, Roland E35 synth (that I can't pick up off the stand anymore because the wood screws holding it together stripped out), Yamaha MU-50, six guitars, a bass, a banjo, a violin a few recorders and a bongo. The system works great except when it doesn't. I was recording from OS 9 into AudioDesk, but it was nearly as tedious as my four track. I downloaded MOTU drivers for OS X and can now record directly into GarageBand, which has advantages and disadvantages. My biggest disadvantage is the 100Mhz system bus bottleneck. No matter what processor upgrade I use I'm going to be stuck. I've been thinking about upgrading to a MacBook Pro, but I don't want to shell out the beans right now.

I can't believe the only Apple product (besides my iPhone 3G) that I didn't include in my list of Macs is my eMate 300. I love the little guy. Probably the only reason that I quit using it was that I gave away all of my Performas with the old serial port. I think my old IIsi has an ethernet card. Maybe I can network it through Classic and ... now I'm talking mad scientist stuff. Although, I do have an old WavLAN card. This guy made it wireless ...

Wireless eMate

Anywho, I hope to be hanging out here more often with the goal of learning as much as possible. Who knows? Maybe I'll even have something to contribute.

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macrumors 6502
Aug 7, 2009
Indio, CA
Currently using ProTools 8.01 with MBOX 2 on a Mid Year iMac 20"...anyone have suggestions as to whether Logic Express would be better for recording? Also looking to find a reasonably priced MIDI keyboard to help with drum programming. Been looking at several M-Audio keyboards in the $100 range? Any suggestions???:apple:
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macrumors newbie
Nov 28, 2009
i'm a writer just getting started in composition and recording/editing/mixing. this seems to be a very knowledgeable group with a great deal of expertise between you. i look forward to getting to know many of you :)
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macrumors newbie
Dec 9, 2009
Windsor Ontario Canada
I'm Eric.

I'm 20 and have been playing guitar for 13 years. I studied classical and eventually got my teaching certificate and never played a classical song again. (but am more than happy to help if anyone has any questions).

I've played in a few bands that have been decently popular in the Windsor area. I always quit the bands because i have music a.d.d. and am constantly changing styles of interest. I've started up a new band which i'm very excited about, and we are working on recording our first demo.

For recording i use my Macbook Pro (garageband... looking at upgrading to protools... but am too broke:() M-Audio external midi interface, digitech GNX 1 as a ghetto pre-amp, and either my Paul Reed Smith 22 custom or my Martin Dreadnaught.

Things i hope to improve:

-recording distorted guitars... mine sounds like dogs farting into microphones.
- vocal quality
- overall set up
- technical technique (does that make sense?)
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macrumors newbie
Apr 6, 2009

I use an IMAC7 with 4G memory, I do a lot of writing and recording music on it, some photo editing, and also burn movies. I bought it in Jan 08. I'm not extremely MAC savvy yet, but learning and love it.
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macrumors newbie
Dec 29, 2009
New Lebanon, NY


Just joined this forum.

Although I've been using Apple computers for a little over 3 years now, there's still a lot about these computers that I don't know. However, overall, my set up meets my needs and is pretty stable. I do a fair amount of music composition and use Apple's Logic Pro 9 as my sequencing software. I also do a fair amount of video recording & editing (mostly for work-related videos) using Final Cut Pro and my current set up suits me fine for this as well.

My background in computers is mainly with PCs. I also own two relatively old Dell Precision Workstations. Still use them to store older music/video projects and files.

To be honest, I've had "issues" with both Apple and PC computers. I can't say that one platform is better than the other. However, I currently use the Apple platform because of the Logic program. I thoroughly enjoy using the Logic Pro program and have been doing so since Logic was owned by EMagic. In fact, I still have the PC version of Logic stored on one of my aging Dell Precision Workstations.

My two Apple computers are a Mac Pro (2.44 Quad) and a MacBook Pro (2.4 Duo). I use the MacBook Pro as a slave computer to the Mac Pro. This set up, SO FAR, is usually quite stable for me. It enables me to load up LOTS of CPU and memory intensive orchestral instruments for my sequencing needs and maintain relatively low latency with few "hiccups".

As of this date, I haven't upgraded to Snow Leopard. Both of my Apple machines still have 10.5.8 as their operating system. Hope to take the time and effort to upgrade to Snow Leopard, but only when I'm reassured that ALL of my audio devices, programs and sound libraries will work flawlessly with the new operating system.

Take care. . . :)

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macrumors regular
Feb 16, 2010
Hi, Recently joined the forum

Been using Logic pro on and off(probably more off) since 2005. Never really got the professional sound I was after and it was more just something I messed around with.

Recently got a 21' IMac and Logic 9, my music now has the crisp sound I'm after and my next lump of money will be invested solely on shiny new hs80's and some other bits.

My production skills have come on leaps and bounds in the last 2 months and I hope this continues.
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macrumors 6502
Mar 9, 2010
I'm Ti,

Just got a MBP 13" back in October and I fell in love with it. Will invest on getting the iMac 21 or 27 later on.

I also own a PC, use it mostly for watching movie and playing game.
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macrumors newbie
Mar 15, 2010
Hi All - another lurker turned poster here - and here's the 1st post!

I'm a location sound recordist by trade but relatively new to the mac (bought 2.8 MBP 15" just before christmas and love it - 27 imac i7 on order soon :) ).

Do loads of live music multitracking for an internet TV channel as well as broadcast recording for TV, corporate and commercial.

Also love the video side of life and having fun learning the ins and outs of FCP.

Looking forward to contributing

Peace, DSG
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macrumors 6502
Dec 23, 2009
Easy now!

Haven't posted in this part of the forum before but introducing myself.

I make music spanning a lot of genres. Quite a bit of dubstep at the moment, but my passion is IDM (although I dislike the pretentious name of the genre). Got a couple of tunes on a myspace. I'll probably be posting here more often in future. Nice to meet everyone :cool:. Any tips or suggestions for tunes are always appreciated. I use cubase/ableton/logic generally, but don't limit myself to a DAW.

Very excited to chat with some musically minded people. Also frequent gearsluts now and then, although more for technical information than general tune making.
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Fast Shadow

macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2004
Hollywood, CA
Hey. I am wading a little bit into music, mostly beat creation. I have a fairly heavy hitting setup - Mac Pro octo 2.8, lots of RAM, fast drives, big video card, HDMI capture, etc. I originally put the system together for chopping and rendering HD video in FCS2. I was looking at standalone machines like the Akai MPC series of samplers/drum boxes. But I ended up buying NI Maschine, since it leverages your computer rather than doing it's own processing. I just bought the NI box today so I'm still working the basics out. At some point I will probably need to invest in a midi controller, an audio interface, and a DAW - probably Logic.

As far as musical influences go, they're all over the place. I really enjoy Amon Tobin's stuff and would like to develop an organic sound with those really greet sounding reverbs.
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macrumors newbie
May 24, 2010
Hello all...

I'm a long time lurker that decided to become a little more active here. My name is Mark. My musical past has been spotty but it started with high school bands and we quickly got into recording on a 4-track, then later Tascam 8 track tape.

During those years experimentation for us was tough as to do anything you had to bus out, go through some device, bus in and eat up another track. With only 8 tracks we often ran out of room and had to bounce everything to stereo tracks which added more generations of noise.

In the 90's I got my first MIDI setup with a Mac IIci and I loved it however I was frustrated at the inability to do much with vocals and guitar. I purchased a two channel audio card which was very expensive but kind of worked. Still it was frustrating to use. I had a copy of Studio Vision which was pretty cool. The other frustrating thing was having to MIDI out for all *sounds* and then somehow get all that back in for a final mix.

Around 1998 my wife and I adopted a young (2 1/2) year old boy from Romania and pretty much everything but child care came to a complete stop. I didn't touch my guitar for almost 3 years.

I've had Macs on/off most of my life but my career, bio-medical software, is in the PC world. In about 2006 I got a Mac again and found GarageBand. My first impression was it was a *play* thing where you could fiddle with sounds. I did a few loops in it. I was so pressed for time I didn't realize it could do audio at all. All the examples were just loops and midi.

One sleepless night I decided to see if people were doing stuff with GarageBand so I searched the net and ran across I spent a good part of the night listening to the creations and being floored at what people were doing with GarageBand. It immediately spurred me back into the recording mode.

I got an interface, then upgraded to logic express, later to studio and bought plug-ins, new guitar, etc... It has been such a fun ride. My earlier tape mixing days have transferred easily into logic and much of the bussing, auxing and other stuff makes total sense. These days it is not the equipment that is lacking it is my talent. Still I have a ton of fun making music.

If any of you have not visited MacJams it is a cool place to hang out. If you a not pro and don't mind sharing your music you can have a great time there.

My page is at:

I'm not very talented and pretty much a hacker but I have a ton of fun just seeing what I can come up with.

Nice to meet everyone!
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macrumors 601
Jun 13, 2007
I've been on here many years and never really thought about introducing the music I make.


I'm Ben, I've been playing guitar now for 6 years, I am by no means good, simply adequate, I've been recording for about 3 years now, and have 9 albums /250+ songs under my belt. I write everything myself and play all instruments heard. My best pieces of work have to be my Universe projects, they're an album, as one long song, I wanted to do a project where each song would truly flow into the next.

I am currently working on a 3 separate projects: Indie pop, Country/folk and my final "Universe" album. I don't stick to one genre.

My page is here, I hope you enjoy!
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macrumors newbie
Jul 11, 2010
Hello :) I'm Kayleigh. 21 year old female musician from Wales. I've had a small MacBook for about two years now and I'm a lil addicted to Apple... can't see me turning back to windows so I thought joining here would be a great idea as, not only do I love macs, I'm also useless with them and constantly need help.

I'm currently using Logic Express to record my first album so I'll probably be looking for lots of help in that area haha
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macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2009
The Beach
Hi all,

I am not really a musician, to say the least, but have a 'back up' or 'saving' question.

I want to save/backup my music from iTunes. Currently, I think there are about 1700 songs.

What is the best way to save all of my music, just so I don't lose it in any event something happens to my computer. I just want the option to be able to put whatever device into the computer, and be able to have my music back.

I understand that the best way is to convert the music into data, to save space. What I'm wondering it better to have it all saved on a flash drive and how big of one (guesstimation- that is).....or should I save it all on cd's (as date)????

As I mentioned above, if something were to happen, I lose my music on the computer, I want to be able to just pop it in (flash drive or cd) and not only be able to have my music restored, but also have the option to burn audio cd's from what I have saved, to later be played on/in stereo equipment, vehicle stereo?? (WOW, TALK ABT A RUN ON..... SORRY)

As far as what I'm working with????? I have iTunes 10.0 and have the 13" Macbook Unibody. ILife 08, have not gotten iLife 09 yet....not sure whether or not that is relevant in this situation or not.

I hope that thru all of my 'novice-ness' (yes, new word, look it up, clearly it's only in MY dictionary) :) .....that you are able to figure out what I'm saying or asking!!

Thanks, once again, my friends here at Mac Forums....don't know how I would have done many of the things I have done on my computer, without your help!!!!!



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macrumors newbie
Oct 3, 2010
Small home studio


I have a small home recording setup. I have a fast track interface with a usb midi keyboard and mic amp guitars ect....

I use Logic pro with reason although I really like pro-tools. I find reason quite realistic at least some soundbanks and refills.
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macrumors newbie
Oct 3, 2010
backup iTunes folder

Hi all,

I am not really a musician, to say the least, but have a 'back up' or 'saving' question.

I want to save/backup my music from iTunes. Currently, I think there are about 1700 songs.

What is the best way to save all of my music, just so I don't lose it in any event something happens to my computer. I just want the option to be able to put whatever device into the computer, and be able to have my music back.

I understand that the best way is to convert the music into data, to save space. What I'm wondering it better to have it all saved on a flash drive and how big of one (guesstimation- that is).....or should I save it all on cd's (as date)????

As I mentioned above, if something were to happen, I lose my music on the computer, I want to be able to just pop it in (flash drive or cd) and not only be able to have my music restored, but also have the option to burn audio cd's from what I have saved, to later be played on/in stereo equipment, vehicle stereo?? (WOW, TALK ABT A RUN ON..... SORRY)

As far as what I'm working with????? I have iTunes 10.0 and have the 13" Macbook Unibody. ILife 08, have not gotten iLife 09 yet....not sure whether or not that is relevant in this situation or not.

I hope that thru all of my 'novice-ness' (yes, new word, look it up, clearly it's only in MY dictionary) :) .....that you are able to figure out what I'm saying or asking!!

Thanks, once again, my friends here at Mac Forums....don't know how I would have done many of the things I have done on my computer, without your help!!!!!


Use disk utility and create a disk image of your itunes folder. Store it wherever better...
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macrumors newbie
Oct 3, 2010
Hello :) I'm Kayleigh. 21 year old female musician from Wales. I've had a small MacBook for about two years now and I'm a lil addicted to Apple... can't see me turning back to windows so I thought joining here would be a great idea as, not only do I love macs, I'm also useless with them and constantly need help.

I'm currently using Logic Express to record my first album so I'll probably be looking for lots of help in that area haha

Hi this is quite an old post. I'm using Logic if you have any questions you can contact me I'll be happy to help, hear new music ideas share somethings I know about DAW's ect...
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