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Wonder what the Chinese jailbreak teams are up to? Did they lose interest? I always thought if nobody else came out with jailbreaks they'd always step in to do so.
What are the chances of a 10.3 JB?

I had the battery issue with my 6s where it would turn off at 20/30/40%. Thankfully the 9.3.3 JB boots into normal mode so I just removed tweaks. Booted into normal mode and hide the Cydia and JB App. If the Genius Bar noticed they never said anything and replaced the battery without issue.

But now the phone keeps getting hot so I'd like to restore to see if thy fixes it or if I need to go back the Genius Bar. The battery doesn't drain really quickly or anything. But the phone gets really hot and I have to turn it off until it cools down.

I didn't have access to a PC or laptop when the iOS 10 JB dropped so I missed the window to update and re jailbreak.

So what do we think the chances of a 10.3 JB are? I don't think I could deal with stock until iOS 11.
…hide the Cydia and JB App. If the Genius Bar noticed they never said anything and replaced the battery without issue.
They wouldn't have said anything anyway.

The policy about jailbroken phones changed over two years ago. They have to prove that the JB caused your problem before they can deny you service now.

The most they can do is ask you to restore.
They wouldn't have said anything anyway.

The policy about jailbroken phones changed over two years ago. They have to prove that the JB caused your problem before they can deny you service now.

The most they can do is ask you to restore.

Yeah I thought as much but I know the policy in the UK has always been slightly different to the US. Either way they didn't say anything which is the main thing. If they had I was going to basically argue the point you made, that the JB had no effect on wether or not my phone qualified for the battery replacement.
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That's good news then!

I did not mean any disrespect to Luca Todesco, as spell checker keeps changing it to " Tedesco." I should have mentioned that he is more commonly known as QWERTYORUIOP on reddit, twitter, etc...

On the JelBrek subreddit, he is known as Luca Tabasco.
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Every single day I google ios 10 jailbreak to keep up to date on when/if it'll come out, why the **** can't anyone else do that instead of asking on a forum?

If you just google ios 10 jailbreak you will get hundreds of pages with bad info and fake links for JB's that dont exist.
You can just check a JB forum like here or at Reddit and if there is a new JB it will be posted there.
If you just google ios 10 jailbreak you will get hundreds of pages with bad info and fake links for JB's that dont exist.
You can just check a JB forum like here or at Reddit and if there is a new JB it will be posted there.

I'm knowledgeable enough to tell when I'm reading correct jb news or not.
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