You're not wrong. And ultimately I'm not going to switch phones just because of this.
A user's interaction with his or her lockscreen is probably one of the most habitual, muscle memory types of actions you can have with the device. It's also one of the newest and most touted changes and features in iOS 16.
That said, this is the first time (that I can remember) where I feel like Apple has made some changes that, even after a learning curve, simply hinder the overall experience. The battery % is a good example, because to maintain the capability, you're forced to add clutter to either the status bar, or the lockscreen itself - which in turn disables one of their newest features, the depth effect (that latter part being the most uncharacteristic of Apple).
Ultimately though... I'll just 🤷♂️ and move on. But what are forums for if not to complain a little, confirm bugs/issues, and get ideas from others, which was ultimately why I commented at all. I was hopeful someone would chime in with some clever workaround or fix that I (and others) wasn't aware of.