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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 13, 2009
New Jersey
Is the JB for 7.0.6 worth it and which version do I use because I use a Mac and I have an IP5 with 7.0.6 but just not sure it is worth it?


macrumors regular
Dec 31, 2012
I would also like to know. Or is it too much of a downgrade from the jbless 7.1?


macrumors 604
Jun 26, 2009
long island NY
What do you mean worth it? Like compared to 7.0.6 stock? Or from 7.1 vs 7.0.6 JB?

JB 7.0.6 vs stock 7.0.6 yes defiantly, compared to 7.1 it depends on a few things, the first being the device, i know iPads and old iPhones had issues that 7.1 made better but you have a newer iPhone. So i'd say it comes down to what you would install on a jb device, i have a lot installed so it out weighs the few advantages of 7.1


macrumors 68020
May 31, 2012
New England
Is the JB for 7.0.6 worth it and which version do I use because I use a Mac and I have an IP5 with 7.0.6 but just not sure it is worth it?

Only you can determine whether it's worth it for you. For me, things like biteSMS, Activator, widgets, and theming make it worth it. If there are things about your phone that you think could be improved, and there are tweaks available for them, then you might have your answer. Do some research first.

If you go ahead with the jailbreak, go here and read the "Read Me" section before you jailbreak. BTW, if you got to 7.0.6 with an over-the-air update, this all may be moot because you may not be able to successfully jailbreak anyway.


macrumors 6502
Apr 11, 2013
Jailbreaking won't hurt your phone. Go ahead and start to discover all the potential of JB vs. stock. Once done so you'll soon value your device more than ever.


macrumors regular
Jan 29, 2011
iOS 7.0.6 Jailbreak Question

Is the JB for 7.0.6 worth it and which version do I use because I use a Mac and I have an IP5 with 7.0.6 but just not sure it is worth it?

Are you trying to first update to 7.0.6?

If so, you can't as the signing window has closed. If you already have 7.0.6 (or any lower 7.0.x version), then you can jailbreak using Evasion7. Do NOT use the Update button in Itunes as it will try and update to 7.1 which is NOT jailbreakable at this time.
Last edited:

Dave Felix

macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2011
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Is the JB for 7.0.6 worth it and which version do I use because I use a Mac and I have an IP5 with 7.0.6 but just not sure it is worth it?

Are you trying to first update to 7.0.6?

If so, you can't as the signing window has closed. If you already have 7.0.6 (or any lower 7.0.x version), then you can jailbreak using Evasion7. Do NOT use the Update button in Itunes as it will try and update to 7.1 which is NOT jailbreakable at this time.

The user has 7.0.6 already. He's golden.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 13, 2009
New Jersey
Thanks all I have always Jailbroken my phones, however I stopped when the 5 came out. I did the over the air update to 7.0.6 about 2 months ago, but have not jumped to 7.1.

Last time I JB there were a lot of dead links in Cydia, and a lot of stuff that just did not work, I am just curious how the new JB is working on iOS7.0.6

Dave Felix

macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2011
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Thanks all I have always Jailbroken my phones, however I stopped when the 5 came out. I did the over the air update to 7.0.6 about 2 months ago, but have not jumped to 7.1.

Last time I JB there were a lot of dead links in Cydia, and a lot of stuff that just did not work, I am just curious how the new JB is working on iOS7.0.6

It's working well - at least it is for me. But if you did an OTA update, it's not a good idea to attempt a jailbreak.


Warning! Over The Air updates of iOS 7 are known to create an issue and make the jailbreak fail. Some devices are then stuck on the Apple Boot Logo. Until we fix that, please restore your device to 7.0.x with iTunes first.
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