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Le Hamilton

macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 5, 2014
I use iOS 8.1 on my iPhone 5S. What do you think if you compare it with 8.3 on the iPhone 5S? Should I update on the new version?
8.1 has better battery life but 8.3 is better in every other way.
If you had a 6+ you would need to upgrade for stability reasons, but if your 5S is working perfectly fine then do bear the battery life in mind. I have lost approx 1.5 hours of usage time on my 6+ going from out of the box via several updates to 8.3
The i6 will lose a proportionate amount of that usage time, possibly 30-40 minutes, and the 5S is bound to lose some too.
8.1 has better battery life but 8.3 is better in every other way.

I personally haven't noticed any difference in battery on an iPhone 6 and two different iPads so this may not be a universal problem.
I personally haven't noticed any difference in battery on an iPhone 6 and two different iPads so this may not be a universal problem.

Not everyone would notice a 30 minute drop in usage time over the course of several updates and it may only be a 6+ issue.
I have seen other 6+ users bemoan a drop in battery usage time since 8.1.1

None of the bugs were fixed from 8.2, and they added some more. But they added emojis!!!!!11111!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!111!!!! :rolleyes:

Stay on 8.1, unless you're getting a watch.

Sounds like something's off for you. For most more issues were fixed. Emojis were but one small addition, not sure why many people are trying to make 8.3 like it was about mostly emojis when it clearly wasn't.
I think there were no bugs on iOS 8.1. Anybody thinks that the battery life on iOS 8.3 is better than on 8.1?

Battery life seems the same as with other iOS 8 updates. TouchID bugs don't seem to be there (there was a server side issue related to App Store earlier, but it didn't have to do with TouchID itself and was addressed by Apple on their end of things an not in iOS or anything like that).

Of course there were bugs in iOS 8.1. Plenty of threads about bugs in all kinds of iOS 8 updates. The list of issues addressed in iOS 8.2 updates and iOS 8.3 alone shows there were bugs that were there before which were addressed.
Hi ! Me to.. I have jailbreak 5s ios 8.1 and a lot of tweaks ! I don't know if I restore to 8.3 and jailbreak ??? My wife are 4s 8.2.
But me Pangu !
There are an upgrade in cydia TaiG 2.1 ? She can make it ! But me no.. It's not necessary ?
Why cydia look at me this upgrade.
For me my 5s run very good in 8.1 and 8.3 is slowly for Apple watch but i don't buy one.
I don't know if Apple and TaiG run this jailbreak for jailbreaker buy an Apple watch and them this week go to 8.4 for normal user. And finish jailbreak ???
I stay a jailbreak for ios 9
You know if Apple music run in 8.1 ?
Because of it's strength battery life.
Seems like plenty of people have the same battery life across different versions. Some will have better battery life in 8.3 than 8.1, others worse. But nothing to specifically indicate one is really better than the other as far as battery life, aside from fairly anecdotal personal experiences essentially that don't necessarily apply to most others.
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