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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Aug 24, 2012
New York, USA
I have having trouble backing up my iPhone 6 plus on 8.3 b2. It progresses then comes up with this error:

I have tried the following methods which did not work:
-sign out/in to iCloud
-hard reset
-turn of photos in backup
-repeated all those options multiple times

Any help?!
I can answer any questions to help solve this for me!

Device info:
iPhone 6 Plus
iOS 8.3 Beta 2
More than half storage available on device
More than half of iCloud data not used (9.5gb used of 20gb)
I'm having the same issue on my 6. I was just about to come here and post about it

I somehow solved it by the way most people would give up on. I just kept tapping backup after each failed attempt after the eighth try, it worked. Strange... Let me know how it works out for you.
I occasionally get this but doing a manual backup and leaving the device alone until it has completed usually fixes things.
iCloud backups since I got my 6+ have been temperamental to say the least. With my i5 and i4 the auto backup would begin pretty much the moment I plugged my phone into charge. I would connect the charger, go to the bathroom to wash and when I came to bed 15 mins later the backup had been done.

Nowadays I can go two weeks without an auto backup because it never happens. As I leave my phone in airplane mode whilst it charges overnight, the phone never gets a chance to backup. Previously it did it in the small window whilst I brushed my teeth and before I turned Airplane mode on when I climbed into bed. I find that these days the phone needs to be left unattended for quite some time before an auto backup commences.
Had the same issue. I solved it by deleting the old iCloud backup and having it make a new one.
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