How does Apple Music compare to the likes of Spotify? Like being able to share music to non iOS users?
its free to use for 3 months. why not get hands on?
Yes, yes you can. You can search for a new album (under Apple music not "my music") and play it.I did. Can't find and answer, can you play full albums?
Yes, yes you can. You can search for a new album (under Apple music not "my music") and play it.
I did. Can't find and answer, can you play full albums?
yep. full albums are playable in 'For You', 'New' or even from the search menu icon.
Apple Music would be pretty pointless without it as thats the description of the service.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say Spotify is still better
How is it Spotify better?
Way cleaner user interface (IMO and many others)
PS3/PS4 integration
offered on much more devices
user created playlists
of course most of these are my opinion
Way cleaner user interface (IMO and many others)
PS3/PS4 integration
offered on much more devices
user created playlists
of course most of these are my opinion
Agreed. Lots of audio devices and equipment support Spotify Connect, not to mention the variety of playlists and user generated playlists which are followable as well.
Apple Music is nice for being integrated to the iPod and your personal music collection but so far that's about it, it needs some work to compete at a Spotify level.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say Spotify is still better
Don't get used to it, a business operating at a loss will have to change.
Spotify is yet to become a viable company, their loss leading freeloaders tier was originally the platform to up sell to their premium level. To dominate an emerging market as the leader.
They could lose 55m+ members when they eventually scrap the freeloaders tier (from their total of 75m+ combined membership) something they will no doubt try to paint as the big bad bully fruit company forcing their hand. I only say could as some of those freeloaders may opt to pay for their music (premium), others will opt for Apple music and some will opt to go back to other channels (pirating).
Coincidentally nearly 75m iphone 6 devices were sold in Q1 2015 according to media reports, if we assume an ios update adoption rate of 60%+ then 45m+ iphone 6 users will get the Apple music app automatically from Q1 alone. How many of those will end up paying customers is unknown but its easy to see the odds stacking up against Spotify in the race to win over users.
They will need to act now to compete. I think they should be bold and scap the freeloaders tier now to win over the lost ground with record labels and artists being exclusive to fully paid only services.
To further mess up Spotify's premium membership stats, I like others get Spotify at a reduced rate through Vodafone UK (roughly £3-4 more a month plus extra data on my contract). So i'm classed as premium but don't pay anywhere near full price (£9.99).