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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 9, 2015
Cambridge UK
Can anyone help me. I have updated my phone to the new Apple Music and I can no longer find how to autofill my music using iTunes. The autofill button appears to be missing.

Any help appreciated!


macrumors newbie
Aug 1, 2015
Can anyone help me. I have updated my phone to the new Apple Music and I can no longer find how to autofill my music using iTunes. The autofill button appears to be missing.

Any help appreciated!
Do you have your music set to be managed manually? Since you updated to 8.4, you may have the iCloud Music Library turned on which handles syncing differently.


macrumors newbie
Aug 1, 2015

To use Autofill, you must turn off automatic syncing for music and videos first.

  1. Connect your device to your computer and click the device button near the top left of the iTunes window.

  2. Click On My Device.

  3. Select Music in the sidebar on the left.

  4. Choose which songs you want to sync from the Autofill pop-up menu at the bottom of the Music pane.

  5. To adjust Autofill settings, click Settings.

  6. When you’re done, click OK.

  7. Click Autofill, then click Sync.
Each time you use Autofill, iTunes adds different songs to your device.
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