I updated to iOS 8.4 yesterday on my iphone 6 (Via update in General Settings) and now my music library is missing and so are my playlists. I tried turning off Apple Music through the settings and tried searching, changing list views from Albums to Songs view and still all missing. Rebooted the phone etc... Still all synced music is missing. Only songs visible is what i purchased on iTunes but not any of my synced music. Whats interesting is you go into the usage settings (To see memory allocation) the Music app is missing but i can clearly see that the music is still on the phone because 70 GB is still allocated as used. I tried looking in the Apple forums and only found developers and testers running into the same issues with the beta version. Since this is the official release perhaps it was never addressed or fixed since the concentration was more around the paid subscription Apple Music service.
Any ideas? Hopefully apple will fix this bug.
Is any one else running into this:
- Missing synced music (Non itunes purchased)
- Missing created playlists
- Missing Music App Usage in Settings - General - Usage - Manage Storage - Music (App is missing)
- Memory still in use for missing music (Observed in the Used area "Top usage above available" of Storage Memory)