This will be the thread which we together will keep updated with the list of confirmed companies/apps/links of the custom share extensions available for iOS 8 which are part of the Extensibility features of iOS8.
You can find here a nice explanation how to sort/reorder the share sheet.
Cloud Storage:
Dropbox (free) (within Photos app the share limitation is set to 1 Photo )
Google Drive (free)
Boxcryptor (free) - extra protection for cloud storage
Boxcryptor Classic (free) - extra protection for cloud storage
E-mail client:
Mail (within Photos app the share limitation is set to 5 Photos
You can however copy in Photos app 20 photos and then paste them into an e-mail in the Mail app)
Spark (free) - offtopic: also support e-mail attachments other then photo/videos, see also
CloudMagic Email (free) - offtopic: also support e-mail attachments other then photo/videos, see also
Gmail (free) (within Photos app the share limitation is set to 20 Photos )
myMail (free)
Password storage:
1Password (free, with in-app purchase 9,99 dollar once | Windows/Mac 49.99 dollar or combi 69.99 dollar per license for max 6 devices)
(Safari, activate in the bottom row by sliding and pressing 'more')
Will allow form filling for login names and passwords
LastPass for Premium Customers (free, with in-app purchase 11,99 dollar per year)
While browsing in Safari and launching the LastPass extension, use the Touch ID prompt to authorize LastPass to fill a web login. Only available on supported devices with Touch ID enabled.
MiniKeePass (free) (unfortunately not yet supported but expected soon)
Social networks:
Facebook (free) (within Photos app the share limitation is set to 10 Photos )
LinkedIn (free)
Twitter (free)
Quick Tweet (free, widget)
Hootsuite (free)
Twitterific 5 for Twitter (free, with in-app purchases)
Buffer for Twitter & Social Media Scheduling (free)
Pinterest (free)
(Safari, activate in the middle row by sliding and pressing 'more')
Google+ (free)
Findery: Discover and share destinations (free)
WhatsApp (free) (within Photos app the share limitation is set to 10 Photos )
Telegram Messenger (free)
Facebook messenger (free)
Snapchat (free)
Viber (free, in-app purchases)
imo free video calls and chat (free)
Typetalk (free)
TigerText Secure Messaging for Business (free)
Group Text+ (2,99 dollar)
Slack (free)
Flickr (free) (within Photos app the share limitation is set to 10 Photos )
Tumblr (free)
Storehouse (free)
EyeEm (free)
ViewExif (0,99 dollar)
VSCO Cam (free, with in-app purchases)
Camera Plus (1,99 dollar, with in-app purchases)
ImageDrain (free)
Internet Browsers:
Chrome (free)
Opera Mini (free) - not working in iOS8.3
Bing Search (free)
InBrowser (free)
Web Translator Browser (free, with in-app purchase)
View Source (0,99 dollar)
Vimeo (free)
iMovie (4,99 dollar)
nPlayer (4,99 dollar)
Remote Media Manager (AMStreamer) (free)
Video & TV Cast for Chromecast (free, with in-app purchases)
AirStash+ (free)
nPlayer (4,99 dollar)
FlipBoard (free)
Pocket (free, with in-app purchases)
Instapaper (free, with in-app purchases)
Will allow adding websites to your Instapaper list.
AnyList (free)
Wunderlist (free, with in-app purchases)
Microsoft OneNote for iPhone (free)
Evernote (free, with in-app purchases)
Google Keep (free)
Amazon - wish list, (free)
Documents/File navigation:
iBooks (free)
Documents 5 (free)
Coda for iOS (9,99 dollar)
Transmit (7,99 dollar)
FileBrowser (5,99 dollar) / FileBrowser Lite (free)
TinyPDF (free)
ExtDownloader (1,99 dollar)
Easy Annotate (free, in-app 4,99 dollar) - Apple Pages, PDF files only
hopTo (Office Cloud Editor & Viewer) (free)
hopTo Work (free)
Workflow (4,99 dollar)
Opener (1,99 dollar)
Things for iPhone (9,99 dollar) | iPad (19,99 dollar)
Asana (free)
OmniFocus 2 for iPhone (19,99 dollar) | iPad (39,99 dollar)
Day One (4,99 dollar)
Weafo (1,99 dollar)
Pinner for Pinboard (4,99 dollar)
Scanner Pro (2,99 dollar)
Storage Made Easy Cloud File Manager (free)
WhatFont (free)
Coupons at Checkout
Please help everyone keep this thread updated, trust me it will be awesome.
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