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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 5, 2016
Please share battery life comparisons between iOS 9.3.1 and iOS 9.3.2 beta
It's amazing how much battery life varies by usage case. For example, at the campus I work at, with Wifi everywhere, my battery life is amazing. I'm often still at 80% by the end of the workday even with moderate use!

But when I was in the northeast this past weekend, with no Wifi and on the move a lot, in subways, cars, etc... battery life was lousy. I had to use my power pack to recharge a bit in the late afternoon to make it through the day.

Keep this sort of thing in mind when comparing battery life. Even if you have the same amount of screen on time, life can differ greatly depending on where you are and what you're doing.
It's amazing how much battery life varies by usage case. For example, at the campus I work at, with Wifi everywhere, my battery life is amazing. I'm often still at 80% by the end of the workday even with moderate use!

But when I was in the northeast this past weekend, with no Wifi and on the move a lot, in subways, cars, etc... battery life was lousy. I had to use my power pack to recharge a bit in the late afternoon to make it through the day.

Keep this sort of thing in mind when comparing battery life. Even if you have the same amount of screen on time, life can differ greatly depending on where you are and what you're doing.

It seems most people don't factor in the quality of the cell service they're phone is receiving. On weekends I get a couple of hours extra and my home service is only fair. When I spend any time in a really strong signal area the phone gets fantastic life
It's amazing how much battery life varies by usage case. For example, at the campus I work at, with Wifi everywhere, my battery life is amazing. I'm often still at 80% by the end of the workday even with moderate use!

But when I was in the northeast this past weekend, with no Wifi and on the move a lot, in subways, cars, etc... battery life was lousy. I had to use my power pack to recharge a bit in the late afternoon to make it through the day.

Keep this sort of thing in mind when comparing battery life. Even if you have the same amount of screen on time, life can differ greatly depending on where you are and what you're doing.

This. Maybe one day people will realize that a bad cellular signal (well in fact even a bad wifi signal can affect the battery life) is the biggest battery killer after gaming.
I wish people would stop acting like because they don't have a problem, no one else does.

My life is extremely predictable, especially on work days. I get up, I go to work, phone stays in my car while I'm in work, I come home, phone sits on my desk while I go about doing whatever. Only time things get random is on the weekends.

I have seen a massive drain on my battery in standby since the day I updated to 9.3. I have tried restoring with a backup as well as setting the phone up as new. Same problem is impacting my iPad Mini that does nothing but sit on my night stand and I browse reddit for 30 minutes or so before I go to sleep each night and I'm having to charge it ever 3 days now.

Today I even tried the 9.3.2 Beta 1 and have seen no improvement.

I went from laughing at how poorly Android M with Doze compared to the standby life of my 6S a month ago to using my Android phone every day now because my 6S is at 60% when I leave work vs. the usual 97% to 98%. On weekends, the phone absolutely will not make it through the day anymore for me.

It's not imagined and it's not a change in my lifestyle and the longer everyone keeps blowing off the people that are experiencing this is the longer it takes to figure out the solution and the more likely Apple will not bother to address it.

Sorry for the rant...but I'm tired from having been blown off repeatedly around the web when I try to find a solution to this so I can use my nice phone again.
While I acknowledge searching for cellular or wifi signals can be a big drain on battery, I'm kind of taking that variable to be constant in framing the question. My phone has spent 99% of its time in the same place over the last year, so signal and wifi strength can be taken as being the same. With this said, I've noticed glaringly good (by comparison) battery life on ios8.4.1 and 9.1, and glaringly bad battery life on everything else since iOS 8.4.1.
Obviously use is another factor but I would assume anyone commenting on battery life takes that into account. If you happen to spend time away from your normal area/suddenly up your gaming etc then it's probably wise to leave out that experience from your battery analysis. Not trying to be rude to any posters, just trying to keep the discussion useful :)
It's amazing how much battery life varies by usage case. For example, at the campus I work at, with Wifi everywhere, my battery life is amazing. I'm often still at 80% by the end of the workday even with moderate use!

But when I was in the northeast this past weekend, with no Wifi and on the move a lot, in subways, cars, etc... battery life was lousy. I had to use my power pack to recharge a bit in the late afternoon to make it through the day.

Keep this sort of thing in mind when comparing battery life. Even if you have the same amount of screen on time, life can differ greatly depending on where you are and what you're doing.

My phone spends all its time in wifi and I would absolutely love to have 80% at day's end with moderate use. Which version of iOS do you have or has this been your experience throughout? Also do you have full cellular signal on campus?
While mine doesn't have full cellular, it never has, and has had far better battery life (charging once every 2.5 days, now it's everyday without fail).
It would be great if signal searching had a section under battery so that this variable could be distinguished from others!
I MIGHT have stopped the battery drain...but many will not like how I did it.

I completely signed out of iCloud on the phone. Since then my phone has sat for 1.5 hours without losing a single % in battery while before I would have lost 3 or 4, sometimes more.
mine is worse. already down to 91% after 38 minutes and all ive done was use Safari. phone is also unusual warm.

no background refresh, push and most location services disabled and a "reset all settings" done as well

edit: 27 mins later it is at 82% already
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mine is worse. already down to 91% after 38 minutes and all ive done was use Safari. phone is also unusual warm.

no background refresh, push and most location services disabled and a "reset all settings" done as well

edit: 27 mins later it is at 82% already
Experiencing the same thing! Used to get 7-8 h usage and 30 h standby on a single charge on 9.2.1. Its now cut in half on 9.3.1! =( I'm on iPhone 6s
Experiencing the same thing! Used to get 7-8 h usage and 30 h standby on a single charge on 9.2.1. Its now cut in half on 9.3.1! =( I'm on iPhone 6s
I really don t get this battery stats. Mine on 9.2.1 is also really bad and warm. What chip do you have?
mine is worse. already down to 91% after 38 minutes and all ive done was use Safari. phone is also unusual warm.

no background refresh, push and most location services disabled and a "reset all settings" done as well

edit: 27 mins later it is at 82% already
Same here. Even my 2 year old iPhone 5 has better battery stats. What chip do you have? What are your battery stats at the end of the day?
68%, 3 hours of usage, including streaming music (~1 hour) with bad cellular signal. So everything seems fine for me, similar to 9.3 and 9.3.1, maybe slightly better. iPhone 6.
To be honest I find battery life of my iPhone 6s to be quite underwhelming. I already knew the capacity is lower, but never thought it would make such a difference. I've come at a point where I use a Smart Battery Case since a few days ago. Despite many people saying that the design of it is awful, I think it looks better than most other battery cases. Anyway, battery life is great with that thing. From 7 AM to 21 PM I continuously had 100% on my phone. That's not bad. Would be able to use it two full days if I'd change some settings.

By the way, even without the case I'm able to last a full day (from 7 AM to 24 PM, something like that). But that's with low to medium usage. That's why I went with that cast: so I can last a fully day without having to worry about whether I will make it through that day. :p

To get more ontopic (as I didn't really reply on the main issue here): so far iOS 9.3.2 doesn't seem to offer improved battery life over iOS 9.3.1. But this really differs from device to device and from user to user. Keep that in mind.
My iphone 6+ used to be around 10 hrs usage with 30hrs stand-by time. Since ios 9 it went down to 7-8ish and with 9.3.2 and 9.3.1 it went down to 5hrs of usage. Yesterday, I literally charged the device 3 times..
My battery is getting hammered. I lost 50% on my commute this morning (around 20 minutes), notmally im dont lose more than about 5%, trying to figure out the issue.
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I wish people would stop acting like because they don't have a problem, no one else does.

This is actually a psychological phenomenon. I have literally watched someone experience an issue I brought up in conversation that they swore they never encountered, and then feverishly try to hide its occurrence. Even worse, after the observed occurrence, they continued to deny their device ever exhibited the behavior.

It is a way for them to feel and/or "prove" they are superior to you. I would go so far as to say it is likely a symptom of an inferiority complex of some sort.

Here is what they are really saying, in my experience and opinion:

"I have the same device/car/widget and I have NEVER had that happen. Sucks to be you... maybe you're doing something wrong or you're such a loser that your luck is just that bad. I on the other hand am clearly more loved by the universe and do things better than you. Shame you aren't like me. I know you want to be me... it's natural. Everybody does."
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This is actually a psychological phenomenon. I have literally watched someone experience an issue I brought up in conversation, and they swore they never encountered, and then feverishly try to hide its occurrence. Even worse, after the observed occurrence, they continued to deny their device ever exhibited the behavior.

It is a way for them to feel and/or "prove" they are superior to you. I would go so far as to say it is likely a symptom of an inferiority complex of some sort.

Here is what they are really saying, in my experience and opinion:

"I have the same device/car/widget and I have NEVER had that happen. Sucks to be you... maybe you're doing something wrong or you're such a loser that your luck is just that bad. I on the other hand am clearly more loved by the universe and do things better than you. Shame you aren't like me. I know you want to be me... it's natural. Everybody does."

if the truth of that statement wasn't so sad it'd be funny.. There's a spectrum
My iphone 6+ used to be around 10 hrs usage with 30hrs stand-by time. Since ios 9 it went down to 7-8ish and with 9.3.2 and 9.3.1 it went down to 5hrs of usage. Yesterday, I literally charged the device 3 times..
Exactly the same. But according to some "technicians" here it must be our problem instead of Apple's. /s
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