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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 21, 2010

After updating the iPad Air 2 using OTA to iOS 9.3.3 from iOS 9.3.2, the device was bricked. It is now not able to restore itself to neither iOS 9.3.x or iOS 10 using iTunes on any computer I tried. iOS 10 shows error 14, and iOS 9.3.x shows error 56. Has anyone encountered such problem? It looks like I'll need to contact Apple at the end.


macrumors G3
Jun 7, 2015
Seattle WA


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 21, 2010
He ran into the issue with 9.3.3, not 9.3.2 which the reference is to. I had no issues with my 128GB LTE Air 2 going from 9.3.1->9.3.2->9.3.3.

Yes, the issue is with 9.3.3 and not iPad Pro, it's iPad Air 2. I tried everything, trying to install iOS 10 beta, returning back to iOS 9.3.2, trying DFU, using another computer and cables, to no solution. Looks like I'll need to have the device serviced.
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