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macrumors 6502a
Mar 6, 2006
Has anyone noticed that when you're using a 3rd Party Keyboard in the messaging app when the keyboard pops up it doesn't push the message up so you can see the most recent text?

Also, Sometimes when i type with Swiftkey or Swype the words aren't showing up in the text field...

Anyone Else Having These Problems?

Lol. Some of us can't even get the 3rd party keyboards to work in Messages app at all. Fine elsewhere - not messages, reminders, or notes! There's something borked somewhere.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2003
By the way, not having the dictation button on Swype is no big deal. It literally takes one button to switch back to the default keyboard and then you have dictation again. One more button and you are back to Swype. Quick and simple. All the concern over custom keyboards not having the button turned out to be much adoo about nothing!

P.S. LOVE finally having Swype on iOS. Works GREAT!

Quite honestly, not having dictation is a feature to me. I never use it, and I hate when I accidentially press it and get the annoying sound. If I could disable it somehow I would.


macrumors 6502
May 12, 2013
Delaware, USA
Are there any 3rd party keyboards that have the look and feel of a more Android-like keyboard? I like the fact that when I press the shift key, the letters actually go from lower case to upper case. And the long-hold option to access the character keys on the second keyboard page is also another option I heavily use (though somewhat less now that I have a G3 and it has an extra row on the main keyboard with numbers).

I put SwiftKey on my Touch, but I can't see any real benefits over the stock keyboard. Though I suppose the cloud feature could come in handy if you use multiple devices frequently. Swype doesn't interest me, I am used to pressing each key individually. I just want visible case changes on the keyboard and long hold for characters.


macrumors 6502
Feb 3, 2012
Lol. Some of us can't even get the 3rd party keyboards to work in Messages app at all. Fine elsewhere - not messages, reminders, or notes! There's something borked somewhere.

I know exactly what you mean, i had iOS 8 GM Installed from last week and had so many problems getting the 3rd Party Keyboards to Work and download yesterday


macrumors 68040
Feb 9, 2014
Lol. Some of us can't even get the 3rd party keyboards to work in Messages app at all. Fine elsewhere - not messages, reminders, or notes! There's something borked somewhere.

Swiftkey works in the messages app for me but I don't like that it reverts to the original iOS keyboard after time.


macrumors member
Oct 2, 2011
What is the best keyboard with voice dictation? Kinda would suck to have to keep switching back and forth keyboards, I don't see any on the first post that have the little microphone symbol, except one that has Dragon. Any ones using native?

*****OOps, forgot to look at the forum first, didn't think someone already would've answered the question.*****
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 17, 2009
Am I supposed to be able to type faster on these keyboards than on the standard? Because that doesn't seem possible at all. The superior autocorrect alone would seem to help the default beat out any competition....


macrumors 6502
Mar 1, 2014
I'm personally fine with stock keyboard. There's a lag/glitch when I try changing to a 3rd party keyboard and they look weird. Most importantly I see no performance/ efficiency boost since I'm pretty fast and accurate.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 10, 2013
Am I supposed to be able to type faster on these keyboards than on the standard? Because that doesn't seem possible at all. The superior autocorrect alone would seem to help the default beat out any competition....

Swipe is faster if you regularly type with one hand, if you type with 2 hands in standard keyboard and 1 hand on swipe it's about the same speed.


macrumors 6502
Oct 14, 2008
Has anyone noticed that when using any of the 3rd party keyboards the speech to text key/feature is missing?


macrumors 68020
May 23, 2010
iOS 8 Custom Keyboard Megathread

Has anyone noticed all of the bugs people are noticing on this thread in regards to custom keyboards?

I'll stick with the IOS keyboard for now.


macrumors 6502
Dec 9, 2012
Yes. 3rd party keyboards can't utilize that feature.

With Swype it takes literally one button to get back to default keyboard though. Then one button to get back to Swype. Simple enough to get to dictation key when you need it. Meh.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 1, 2008
With Swype it takes literally one button to get back to default keyboard though. Then one button to get back to Swype. Simple enough to get to dictation key when you need it. Meh.

Exactly. Plus more space for keys one uses frequently.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 3, 2010
Upstate NY
I've been using swiftkey a bit and am definitely enjoying it so far, but I've noticed that apps that use the Send button normal keyboard don't seem to work, I never get a send, or equivalent button with swiftkey. Anybody else seeing this?

Black Magic

macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2012
I want to love Swiftkey but my phone keeps switching back to the default keyboard at random times.....Ugh!


macrumors newbie
Oct 25, 2011
Not sure if this will help anyone else, but I found this over on the Apple support forums.

Go to Settings - General - Accessibility

Towards the bottom you'll see a setting for Guided Access. Set this to Off. Your third-party keyboards should now work as expected.

I couldn't get Swype to even show up but once I turned that setting off, it worked fine. Hope that helps!


macrumors 6502a
Nov 1, 2007
239 Area, FL
I want to love Swiftkey but my phone keeps switching back to the default keyboard at random times.....Ugh!

Swiftkey works in the messages app for me but I don't like that it reverts to the original iOS keyboard after time.

I went and turned off the stock Apple keyboard in the settings so now its just SwiftKey and emoji and now I get SwiftKey first every time!

When I need to enter passwords the stock Apple keyboard just pops up like normal even with it turned off in the settings.


macrumors 68000
Aug 12, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
Here's a tip to hopefully save a lot of grief to people using 3rd party keyboards:

You can EDIT your SETTINGS(app)/General/Keyboard/Keyboards settings to move the keyboard you wish to use most up to the top of the list. That makes it your default keyboard.

You can then either cycle through the other keyboards with the Globe key at the bottom-left of your spacebar, OR go ballistic and remove the other keyboards once and for all so that only the 3rd party keyboard is left.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 29, 2011
My two cents:

+ Swiping is accurate
+ Shortcuts for punctuation and numbers are great
+ After connecting to a few services, suggestions much better than stock
+ Don't need to add words to my customer dictionary because it learned them from Gmail and Evernote
- Can't type regularly with it whatsoever (personally), much worse than stock or SwiftKey
- Dislike lack of visual feedback about the actual word I'm currently swiping, only shows alternatives until releasing
- Kind of ugly, IMO. The default flat keys they use on Android are much nicer

+ Swiping and regular typing both accurate, can switch between them without feeling like I need to switch keyboards
+ Like the obvious, centered visual of the word it's currently guessing for my swipe
- More private but more manual learning process for custom words
- Fewer shortcuts
- Seems buggier so far, some wonky backspace and return key behavior

~ SwiftKey is the better choice for anybody who plans to regularly switch between keying and swiping.
~ Swype is potentially better for those dedicated to swiping due to shortcuts
~ Note that Swype uses the suggested words line to offer you corrections/alternatives first whereas SwiftKey defaults possible next words unless you hit backspace first
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macrumors 68000
Feb 9, 2014
I went and turned off the stock Apple keyboard in the settings so now its just SwiftKey and emoji and now I get SwiftKey first every time!

When I need to enter passwords the stock Apple keyboard just pops up like normal even with it turned off in the settings.

wait wut? how do you turn off the apple keyboard in settings?!?


wait wut? how do you turn off the apple keyboard in settings?!?

omg nevermind i figured it out, just hit the "edit" button


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2011
Metro Vancouver, B.C, Canada
Exactly. I really don't understand why they haven't implemented all the languages that are supported on Android.

I've noticed that the iOS versions of third party keyboards do not pack all of the functions and features of their Android counterpart. I suspect that the developers had to only focus on making the keyboards ready for release on day 1, so some things had to be cut. I fully expect that over time, the iOS versions will gain the languages, functions and features of their Android counterparts. I just don't know how long we have to wait for that to happen.


Am I supposed to be able to type faster on these keyboards than on the standard? Because that doesn't seem possible at all. The superior autocorrect alone would seem to help the default beat out any competition....

If you have been using the iOS keyboard for a while, switching to a different keyboard will involve some learning curve. You will at first find typing on any new keyboard to be slower than what you are used to. I've been using Android keyboards (Kii and SwiftKey) for over a year. When I started using an iPhone and the iOS keyboard, it took some time to really get used to it. My typing was slower at first, but got better over time.

I also find that the third party keyboards on iOS lack some features that I like on the Android versions. Android versions have alternate keyboard layout for you to choose from. It's like the split keyboard you see on iPads. I generally choose these alternate split layouts on my phone because I can type better than on a standard layout.
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