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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 24, 2010
I feel like there hasn't been enough change to really keep me interested. I adopted iOS starting way back with the iPhone 3G release, and even through all the updates and whatnot I just feel like not much has really revolutionized the experience. There are improvements here and there, but overall I think iOS really lacks the innovation Apple has had in the past, it's aesthetically archaic at this point. I really hope Ive pulls iOS out of the dumps and trumps 6 with something spectacular, but until then I'm ordering a Nexus 7 as a change of pace.
really, what do people want? i can do a million great things on my phone; it's THOSE things that matter most, the OS is (or should be) there to support the APPS...

sure there's room for improvement. and the nexus 7 is nice, enjoy the difference...but that's mostly what it is: different. if you'd been on android all these years, ios would look pretty new...
iOS itself is not an entertainment application.

My refrigerator doesn't interest me either, but it performs the function of cooling my food.

As someone who is a long time consumer of Apple products I have always appreciated aesthetics. OS X is a beautiful environment to work in and feels at home with the superior build and quality of Macs as a whole. I would argue most consumers of the Mac and iDevice lineup have aesthetic tastes and concerns. We're not all looking for something to just get us by, iDevices are by in large sold as luxury products that function. They're only delivering on half of it (hardware), which is part of the reason why you've seen Ive put into the position he is in today in regards to iOS.


really, what do people want? i can do a million great things on my phone; it's THOSE things that matter most, the OS is (or should be) there to support the APPS...

sure there's room for improvement. and the nexus 7 is nice, enjoy the difference...but that's mostly what it is: different. if you'd been on android all these years, ios would look pretty new...

I think what draws me in has mainly been widgets and pieces of software that can really display information effectively and quickly. In some part even Windows active tiles draw me in. So, while it is somewhat more interesting just looking at it, it is technically providing extra function in providing me with the information I want to see more efficiently.

You're probably right though on the whole. I tend to gravitate towards different things to try them out, I really do think Apple is due for some radical changes with Ive at the post though. I don't really mean this as a bashing topic or anything.
iOS isn't half as boring as this topic.

Couldn't this post have been put under any one of the other 50 created in the last two weeks?
iOS isn't half as boring as this topic.

Couldn't this post have been put under any one of the other 50 created in the last two weeks?

I wasn't aware so many people shared my sentiment.

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one.
iOS 7 should have already started development by the time iOS 6 was released, which means Scott Forstall probably had some input. That's mean you will need to wait till iOS 8 (?) to see some interface changes.

I'm fine with it though. So what if it's boring? It's not as if it made your phone unusable.
Operating Systems job is to let the software comunicate with the hardware that is all it should do. iOS does exactly that and nothing more (maybe a little more). I understand your bordom with the interface though. Being new to iOS it hasn't hit me yet. All that said Android gets boring after 6 months as well. fandroids will say oh but you have widgets and you can flash ROMs still boring... I think Windows Mobile 6 was still the best for cool features. Anyone ever use Co0kie Monster add on for WM6? It was really cool.

Here is a pretty good Youtube video of it in action. I can remember the developer worked really hard and kept adding really cool features. Oh the old days.
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My iPhone is not a refrigerator. IOS is boring and needs something. It's way better though than Android which I have been using for 2.5 years before i got my 4s three weeks ago. Android needs to get rid of dalvick gc and rewrite its entire OS for performance, and iOS has performance down but needs more robust features. If you want to slowest buggiest OS on the market with the most features go Android. If you want the fastes best performing OS on the market with limited features go iOS.
My iPhone is not a refrigerator. IOS is boring and needs something. It's way better though than Android which I have been using for 2.5 years before i got my 4s three weeks ago. Android needs to get rid of dalvick gc and rewrite its entire OS for performance, and iOS has performance down but needs more robust features. If you want to slowest buggiest OS on the market with the most features go Android. If you want the fastes best performing OS on the market with limited features go iOS.

And the OS of a phone does not need to excite. That's what apps are for.
Yes I agree. The apps are much better on iOS compared the apps I was using on Android. It's pretty much night and day.
My iPhone is not a refrigerator. IOS is boring and needs something. It's way better though than Android which I have been using for 2.5 years before i got my 4s three weeks ago. Android needs to get rid of dalvick gc and rewrite its entire OS for performance, and iOS has performance down but needs more robust features. If you want to slowest buggiest OS on the market with the most features go Android. If you want the fastes best performing OS on the market with limited features go iOS.

I assume that you was using a low end android phone? People keep forgetting that "Android' is just the operation system. It work just fine. In matter of fact, the system allowed device to do things 2-3 years that IOS is just now able to do. Find a phone which is not heavily bloated and compare it to an Iphone. You may still choose the Iphone but it would be a better comparison.
Flashing lights and banners... That seems to be what interests people. No idea why though. When I want to do something on my device I go ahead and do it. I don't sit there staring at my ipad home screen for various information to come through.
It is pretty boring for me too. But people on this forum are a small subset of the population that would want the option to tinker around with there phones and change stuff up every few months or so.

I'm really anticipating the jailbreak for iOS 6 to be released.
I assume that you was using a low end android phone? People keep forgetting that "Android' is just the operation system. It work just fine. In matter of fact, the system allowed device to do things 2-3 years that IOS is just now able to do. Find a phone which is not heavily bloated and compare it to an Iphone. You may still choose the Iphone but it would be a better comparison.

No low end Android phones for me. I have had GSM Samsung Google Play Nexus with AOKP, Galaxy Tab 2 with AOKP, HTC Rezound, Bionic, Inc 2, Fascinate, Droid 1, Nook Color, Kindle

I like my iPhone 4S much better than my just recently sold GSM Google Play Galaxy Nexus. Performs much better.
I got bored with widgets, live wallpaper, and customizing my Android device after a week.

My Android tablet was used less than 30 times in the last year.

Couldn't even run Android apps/games that I wanted because it's incompatible.
iOS isn't half as boring as this topic.

Couldn't this post have been put under any one of the other 50 created in the last two weeks?

"I wasn't aware so many people shared my sentiment.

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one."
"No low end Android phones for me."

There are two types of low end Android phones. Those that are low end now and those that will soon be when an update to Android OS is released.
No low end Android phones for me. I have had GSM Samsung Google Play Nexus with AOKP, Galaxy Tab 2 with AOKP, HTC Rezound, Bionic, Inc 2, Fascinate, Droid 1, Nook Color, Kindle

I like my iPhone 4S much better than my just recently sold GSM Google Play Galaxy Nexus. Performs much better.
An iPhone, just like any other smartphone, is an entertainment device.
You can read emails, make calls and return texts on almost any 40$ phone. Don't be hypocrites.
iOS itself is not an entertainment application.

My refrigerator doesn't interest me either, but it performs the function of cooling my food.
Right. Why re-invent the wheel?

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